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Finding Broken Agents by extending AD Import 

Jul 22, 2015 11:13 AM

One of the hardest tasks of an Altiris Administrator is maintaining agent coverage across the estate by ensuring all machines are managed and remain managed. This article will provide a brief guide on how to extend the AD import to include the pwdLastSet and lastLogonTimeStamp attributes of the computer accounts (see for further details of these attributes) and how to compare that data to the last configuration request data of the Symantec Management Agent to determine if there are any machines that are likely to have a broken agent. See screenshots.pdf for pictorial representation of the expected outcome of some of the steps.

The first step is to create a custom data class (I have attached the data class I created - Comp_Acct_Updates.xml) to store the data in;

  1. In the Symantec Management Console browse to Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Resource and Data Class Settings > Data Classes > Inventory.
  2. Right Click on the 'Custom' folder and select New > Editable Data Class.
  3. Provide a logical name for the data class. I have called mine Comp_Acct_Updates which will in turn create a SQL table named Inv_Comp_Acct_Updates.
  4. Click add new attribute.
    • Provide a logical name for the attribute. I have called mine Last PWD Change which will create a column of that name in the above SQL table.
    • Select 'Date' as the Data Type.
    • Select 'Required'.
  5. Click add new attribute.
    • Provide a logical name for the attribute. I have called mine Last Logon which will create a column of that name in the above SQL table.
    • Select 'Date' as the Data Type.
  6. Ensure that 'Multiple Rows' is NOT selected.
  7. Click Save Changes

The next step is to assign the data class you have just created to the Computer resource type to allow us to import the data against computer accounts.

  1. In the Symantec Management Console browse to Settings > All Settings > Notification Server > Resource and Data Class Settings > Resource Types > Asset Types > IT and select 'Computer'.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Add data classes'.
  3. Expand 'Inventory' folder.
  4. Expand 'Custom' folder.
  5. Select the data class you created above.
  6. Click save changes.
  7. Untick 'allow edit'.
  8. Click save changes.

Now we need to edit the AD import rule for computer accounts to import this additional data and write it to the data class you created above.

  1. In the Symantec Management Console browse to Settings > All Settings > Notification Server and select 'Microsoft Active Directory Import'.
  2. On the 'import computer resources' rule select the 'default column mappings' hyperlink.
  3. On the left hand side scroll to the data class that you created above and tick it.
  4. Set the following options;
    • Import Options: Only if resource is = Managed.
    • Import Options: Treat data as = not selected.
    • Attribute Mappings: Last PWD Change - click on (Null)
      • Directory entry attribute = pwdLastSet
      • Define Processing Steps = File Time (UTC) (although local time may be preferable for some customers)
      • click OK
    • Attribute Mappings: Last logon - click on (Null)
      • Directory entry attribute = lastLogonTimeStamp
      • Define Processing Steps = File Time (UTC) (although local time may be preferable for some customers)
      • click OK
    • Click OK
  5. Click Save Changes.

The final step is to build a report that will compare this data and show machines that are likely to have a broken agent (although this data could also be used to create a filter to add to the push computers schedule or used in a workflow to create a Service Desk ticket to get the client looked at by field engineering etc.). These steps will talk you through creating a very basic report using 30 days as the key number of days to consider an agent broken, however I have attached a report where this number is configurable within the report.

  1. In the Symantec Management Console browse to Reports > All reports and then to a folder where you store your custom reports of this type.
  2. Right click and select New > Report > SQL report.
  3. Provide a logical name for your report, I have called mine 'Broken Agents' (see attached - broken agents.xml).
  4. If you would like the report user to only be able to report on computer resources that they have read permission for then replace the content of the 'Paramaterized Query' tab with the below SQL query. If you would like them to see all computers regardless of permissions then remove the lines highlighted in bold.
    • DECLARE @v1_TrusteeScope nvarchar(max)

         SET @v1_TrusteeScope = N'%TrusteeScope%'

      select vce.Name, acct.[last pwd change] 'Last Computer Account PWD Change', acct.[last logon] 'Last Computer Logon', mrt.Request 'Last Altiris Config Request' from vComputerEx vce

      left join inv_comp_acct_updates acct on acct._resourceguid = vce.Guid

      left join (select ccr.resourceguid, MAX(ccr.StartTime) Request from Evt_NS_Client_Config_Request ccr group by ccr.resourceguid)mrt on mrt.ResourceGuid = vce.Guid

      where datediff(day,mrt.Request,getdate()) > '30' and (datediff(day,acct.[last logon],getdate()) < '30' or datediff(day,acct.[last pwd change],getdate()) < '30')

      and vce.guid IN (SELECT [ResourceGuid] FROM [ScopeMembership] WHERE [ScopeCollectionGuid] IN (SELECT [ScopeCollectionGuid] FROM dbo.fnGetTrusteeScopeCollections(@v1_TrusteeScope)))

  5. Click Save Changes.

N.B. the data we have imported above can have a multitude of uses, for example if a client is inactive in both locations the asset status could be set to missing and an automation policy created to email the last logon user or primary user to ask them to confirm the assets status.

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3 Files
xml file
Broken Agents.xml   15 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020
xml file
Comp_Acct_Updates.xml   3 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020
pdf file
ScreenShots.pdf   193 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020

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Nov 16, 2016 12:33 PM

@Dan - Hope you don't mind me adding something on I found at an ITMS 8.0 customer that others may be interested in.

ITMS 8.0
For ITMS 8.0, there is an additional option within the AD Import Section that I thought might be worth mentioning:

After selecting the import options, you'll see that there is an additional dropdown for "Merge existing data", I believe for this to function as intended then you will want to be selecting "Don't Merge" - shown below:

2016-11-16 17_07_23-vprotirus-smpb - Remote Desktop Connection.png

There are a number of other options, but if you're interested then reading the below will give an explanation into all the options (source), then my opinion on which is correct:

Don't merge
If no key field (for example 'guid') has changed, the scenarios are the following: If the field is populated both in the Active Directory and in the database, the database data gets overwritten. If the field is populated in the database, but empty in the Active Directory, the data in database remains unchanged. If the key field has changed, the scenarios are the following: If the field is populated both in the Active Directory and in the database, the database data gets overwritten. If the field is populated in the database, but empty in the Active Directory, the data in database is set to NULL.

Merge existing value
If the field is populated in the database, the Active Directory does not overwrite the existing data even if the value in the Active Directory is different.

Merge existing value (if not NULL)
The Active Directory overwrites the NULL values in the database. If the field is populated in the database, the Active Directory does not overwrite the existing data even if the value in the Active Directory is different.

Merge existing value (if not NULL/empty)
The Active Directory overwrites the empty fields and the NULL values in the database. If the field is populated in the database, the Active Directory does not overwrite the existing data even if the value in the Active Directory is different


I believe "Don't Merge" is the correct option as you want the data within Altiris to be overwritten on each import. The data you are importing from AD (pwdLastSet and lastLogonTimeStamp) will be forever changing if the user is active, and you want this active data reflecting in the report so you can determine if the Symantec Management Agent is working as expected.



Sep 24, 2015 09:06 AM

Thanks for spotting my deliberate (*cough cough*) error!

I have updated the SQL accordingly

Aug 14, 2015 01:52 AM

Thank you! We will be putting this report to good use!

fyi...had to make a couple changes to Report sql to get it to work in our environment -

We needed an underscore at end of Table name:

left join Inv_Comp_Acct_Updates_ acct on acct._resourceguid = vce.Guid

and had to remove the underscore in mrt._ResourceGuid  and ccr._resourceguid



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