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Getting Alerted for Package Servers with Package Download Failures 

Nov 03, 2014 02:39 PM

Recently my organization has had some issues with package servers failing to download packages or the packages backing up because of agent throttling.  To be more proactive towards these sorts of issues, I've come up with a method to alert the admin if a package server has more than 5 packages in the "not ready" state.  Follow the instructions below to set this up.

  1. Start off by creating a "Send Email" task by navigating to Manage > Jobs and Tasks.  Then create a new task and assign it the settings in the screenshot below.  Be sure to keep the %!RESULTS!% variable in the email body.

  2. After creating the task, navigate to Manage > Automation Policies.   Create a new automation policy.
  3. Set the data source to Raw SQL Query, click the pencil icon next to Edit query and paste the following query in:
    UPPER(comp.Name) as [Package Server],
    ps1.NRPkgCount as [Packages Not Ready]
    vRM_Package_Item AS pkg
    join SWDPackageServer ps
    on ps.PackageId = pkg.Guid and ps.Status != 'Ready'
    join vComputer comp 
    on comp.Guid = ps.PkgSvrId
    join (select PkgSvrId, COUNT(*) as NRPkgCount from SWDPackageServer where [Status] != 'Ready' group by PkgSvrId) ps1
    on ps1.PkgSvrId = comp.Guid
    WHERE ps1.NRPkgCount >= 5
  4.  Set the rest of the options as follows:

  5. For the Run job/task option, select the task that was created in step 1.
  6. Click the edit input parameter option and set the following options:

  7. Click the Save changes button to save the automation policy.  Depending on your package servers, you may or may not receive an email notification after clicking the Test Automation Policy.  The screenshot shows an example of what the email would look like:


Hope this helps someone.

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May 24, 2016 08:01 AM

Thank you..

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