Asset Management Suite

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How To Configure Symantec Management Platform, Part 2 

Mar 09, 2012 11:50 AM

1.     Summary

This document is part 2 of my experience with configuring the Symantec Management Platform in my environment.  Part 1 may be found here:

This document details the steps I took to configure part of the SMP in my environment. These steps worked flawlessly for me, but should be reviewed with your architect first to ensure they will work for your environment.  Most steps will need to be modified based on your requirements for your environment, so please keep that in mind when reading through this article.



2.     Pre-requisites  

2.1.    You must have a functioning SMP installed.

2.2.    You need to know the Application Identity (AppId) and password.

2.3.    You should login as that account to do all configurations.


3.     Import Cost Center

Because our Cost Centers are in a hierarchy, and they are company wide standards, they are maintained by a separate team of people.  The cost center hierarchy exists in our ERP system called Banner.  Working with the right people, I was able to get a nightly UC4 AppWorx job called FRYALTO.  This job creates a csv file that contain the following information comma separated information: “ORG_CODE","PARENT_ORG_CODE","TITLE". 

The job then drops the csv file in a shared folder on the SMP.  I built the following connector (Data Source and subsequently, Import Rule) to bring in that data, and populate the CMDB.  Here are the steps that I took to import the Cost Center Hierarchy into our SMP.

Again, these are my  real world examples of how we did it.  You will need to modify most steps to fit your requirements, design, and overall environment.

3.1.    ClickSettings | All Settings.

3.2.    Click Settings | Notification Server | Connector.

3.3.    Right-click onData Sources, chooseNew | Folder and call it Custom.

3.4.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | CSV File Data Source.

3.5.    Name it FRYALTO Org csv Import Data Source (or whatever you want)

3.6.    Edit it to look like this:

3.6.1.  Click Test Data source to ensure it connects.

3.6.2.  Click Save changes.

3.7.    Right-click onImport/Export Rules, chooseNew | Folder and call it Custom.

3.8.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | Resource Import Export Rule.

3.9.    Name it FRYALTO Org csv to Cost Center Import Rule.

3.10.  Edit it to look like this and have it run whenever you want:

3.10.1.  The <Expression>  for Cost Center Description and for Cost Center Details Description were both  set to the following because we wanted the description for our cost center to be in the format of ‘cost center number followed by an underscore followed by the cost center name’.


4.     Import Banner PO

We also import all our Purchase Orders from the same ERP system (Banner) since that is our system of record.  Just like for our Cost Center above, we have a job that creates a csv that is dropped in a shared folder on our SMP.  The format of the file is: "PO_ITEM","COMM_CODE","COMM_DESC","QTY","REQ_DATE","UNIT_PRICE","PO_DESCRIPTION" .   These steps show how I imported all our relevant PO’s into our 7.1 CMDB.

4.1.    ClickSettings | All Settings.

4.2.    Click Settings | Notification Server | Connector.

4.3.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | CSV File Data Source.

4.4.    Name it FRYALTO PO csv Import Data Source

4.5.    Edit it to look like this:

4.5.1.  Click Save changes.

4.6.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | Resource Import Export Rule.

4.7.    Name itFRYALTO PO csv Import Rule.

4.8.    Edit it to look like this and have it run whenever you want:


5.     Create New PO

During the import of the actual asset data (see down below), I found that there were a few purchase orders (PO’s) that would error out during the import.  I discovered that when importing asset data, say, for printers, the connector creates the ‘printer’ asset record, but not necessarily the other data class items, like PO’s.  So I had to manually create the PO’s in the CMDB for the import to correctly and completely bring in the entire asset record.   Since we had assets in 6.5 that we did not know the PO number, we created a PO called ‘Unknown_PO’ and assigned it to those records.  For ‘Unknown_PO’ to import, I had to manually create it in 7.1.  These are the steps I followed to create a new PO in our 7.1 environment.

5.1.    Click Home | Service and Asset Management | Manage Configuration Items.

5.2.    Click Create a new CI in the right pane called Asset Common Tasks.

5.3.    Select Purchase Order in the Pop-up and click OK.

5.4.    Enter Unknown_PO in the Order Number field and click OK.


6.     Asset Status

Before we got into the thick of things, we all met and discussed how we would use Asset Types in the console.  In addition to the standard Active, In Stock, Disposed, RMA, et cetera, we decided that we needed a custom Asset Status.  These are the steps I used to create our custom status.

6.1.    ClickSettings | All Settings

6.2.    Click Settings | Service and Asset Management | CMDB Solution

6.3.    Click CMDB Global Settings.

6.4.    Enter the following custom status values and click Add.


6.4.1.       Reserved.  Which we will use for systems that are Spare, but will be designated as Reserved for a specific purpose or person/group.


7.     Import Location

Because we have a specific subset of locations that contain our assets, we decided to NOT import the thousands of locations from our ERP system.  Since the ‘locations’ in our 6.5 environment are pretty solid, I decided to simply import them.  These are the steps I followed for the initial load of locations.  All additional locations will need to be manually added going forward.  Ie. A new building location is built that contains assets we track in Altiris.

Note:  To manually add a location, Click onHome | Service and Asset Management | Manage Configuration Items.  Then right-click on Organizational Types | Location and select Create Location.

7.1.    Click Settings | Notification Server | Connector.

7.2.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | CSV File Data Source.

7.3.    Name it 6.5 Location Import Data Source.

7.4.    Edit it to look like this:

7.5.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | Resource Import Export Rule.

7.6.    Name it65 Location Import Rule.

7.7.    Edit it to look like this:


8.     Import AV Asset Data

We decided to use connectors instead of the Notification Migration Wizard to migrate data from our 6.5 environment over to 7.1.  It may just because I am extremely particular, or because the data we are migrating is extremely ‘unique’ to our environment.  Example:  My predecessor populated the ‘owner’ of the asset with the ‘cost center’; hence the need to strictly control and scrutinize the import of data.  I broke up the asset import based on asset type just to keep it simple (and maintain my sanity).  Here are the steps I followed to create the Data Source and Import rule to import the asset data from the 6.5 environment into the 7.1 environment for the Audio Visual (AV) assets.

8.1.    ClickSettings | All Settings.

8.2.    Click Settings | Notification Server | Connector.

8.3.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | OLEDB Data Source.

8.4.    Name it 6.5 Asset Data Import Data Source - AV

8.4.1.  Edit it to look like this:

8.4.2.  Enter this into the Import query window:






va.[serial number],

va.barcode, AS 'Location', AS 'PO',

ci.amount AS 'Cost',

iai.[Available for Use],

iai.[Planned Disposal Date],

SUBSTRING (,6,LEN( AS 'Cost Center Name',

left (,4) AS 'Cost Center Code',


from vasset va

left join ResourceAssociation ra

      on ra.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid      

      and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid ='05DE450F-39EA-4AAE-8C5F-77817889C27C'               

left join vLocation vl on ra.ChildResourceGuid = vl._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Accounting_Information iai

      on va._resourceguid = iai._resourceguid

left join Inv_Cost_Items ci

      on ci._resourceguid = va._resourceguid

left join vitem vi

      on ci.[purchase order] = vi.guid

left join vasset va2

      on ci._resourceguid = va2._resourceguid

left join Inv_Ownership_Details iod

      on va._resourceguid = iod._resourceguid

left join vitem vi2

      on iod.owner = vi2.guid

left join vitem vi3

      on va._resourceguid = vi3.guid

left join Inv_Comment com

      on com._resourceguid = va._resourceguid

where va.[asset type] = 'audio visual'

                                           and va.status != 'disposed'


8.4.3.  Click Save changes.

8.4.4.  Click Test data source and verify it does not fail.

8.4.5.  Click View import data… and verify it appears correct.

8.5.    Right-click on the Custom folder and chooseNew | Folder and call it Inbound Data.

8.6.    Right-click the Inbound Data folder and chooseNew | Resource Import Export Rule.

8.7.    Name it6.5 Asset Data Import Rule – AV.

8.7.1.  Edit to look like this:

8.7.2.  Set the Schedule to occur whenever you like, but MAKE sure you test it and validate the data FIRST.

8.8.    Click Save changes.

8.9.    Click Test Rule and verify it looks good.

8.10.  Click Run now.

8.10.1.                      When done, verify the data in the 7.1 database with this query:



va.[Asset Type],





va.[Serial Number],


vi4.Name AS 'Location',

poi.[Order Number] AS 'PO',

poi.[Delivery Date],

cii.amount AS 'COST',

iai.[Available for Use],

iai.[Planned Disposal Date],

cco.Owner AS 'CC Owner',

vi2.Name AS 'CC Owner Name',

cco.[Ownership Percentage] AS 'CC Percentage', AS 'VCC Name',

vcc.[Cost Center Code] AS 'VCC Code',

vcc.Description AS 'VCC Desc',

vcc._ResourceGuid AS 'VCC Resourceguid',

iod.Owner AS 'IOD Owner',

iod.[Ownership Percentage] AS 'IOD Percentage',,


 from vasset va

left join Inv_Comment co

      on co._resourceguid = va._ResourceGuid

join Inv_Manufacturer mf

      on  mf._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Barcode ba

      on ba._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join ResourceAssociation ra

      on ra.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid      

      and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid ='05DE450F-39EA-4AAE-8C5F-77817889C27C'               

left join vLocation vl

      on ra.ChildResourceGuid = vl._ResourceGuid

left join vItem vi4

      on  vl._ResourceGuid = vi4.Guid

left join Inv_Accounting_Information iai

      on va._ResourceGuid = iai._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Cost_Center_Ownership cco

      on  cco._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join vItem vi2

      on cco.owner = vi2.Guid

left join vItem vi

      on vi.Guid = va._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Cost_Items cii

      on cii._ResourceGuid = vi.guid

left join Inv_Purchase_Order_Information poi

      on poi._ResourceGuid = cii.[Purchase Order]

left join vCostCenter vcc

      on vcc._ResourceGuid = vi2.guid

left join Inv_Ownership_Details iod

      on va._resourceguid = iod._resourceguid

left join vItem vi3

      on iod.Owner = vi3.guid

where va.[asset type] = 'audio visual'


9.     Import Printer Asset Data

Here are the steps I followed to import the 6.5 asset data for printers.

9.1.    ClickSettings | All Settings.

9.2.    Click Settings | Notification Server | Connector.

9.3.    Right-click the Custom folder and chooseNew | OLEDB Data Source.

9.4.    Name it 6.5 Asset Data Import Data Source – Printer

9.4.1.  Edit it to look like this:

9.4.2.  Enter this into the Import query window:






va.[serial number],

va.barcode, AS 'Location', AS 'PO',

ci.amount AS 'Cost',

iai.[Available for Use],

iai.[Planned Disposal Date],

SUBSTRING(,6,LEN( AS 'Cost Center Name',

left (,4) AS 'Cost Center Code',


from vasset va

left join ResourceAssociation ra

      on ra.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid      

      and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid ='05DE450F-39EA-4AAE-8C5F-77817889C27C'               

left join vLocation vl on ra.ChildResourceGuid = vl._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Accounting_Information iai

      on va._resourceguid = iai._resourceguid

left join Inv_Cost_Items ci

      on ci._resourceguid = va._resourceguid

left join vitem vi

      on ci.[purchase order] = vi.guid

left join vasset va2

      on ci._resourceguid = va2._resourceguid

left join Inv_Ownership_Details iod

      on va._resourceguid = iod._resourceguid

left join vitem vi2

      on iod.owner = vi2.guid

left join vitem vi3

      on va._resourceguid = vi3.guid

left join Inv_Comment com

      on com._resourceguid = va._resourceguid

where va.[asset type] = 'network printer'

and va.status != 'disposed'


9.4.3.  Click Save changes.

9.4.4.  Click Test data source and verify it does not fail.

9.4.5.  Click View import data… and verify it appears correct.

9.5.    Right-click onImport/Export Rules, chooseNew | Folder and call it JCCC.

9.6.    Right-click the Inbound Data folder and chooseNew | Resource Import Export Rule.

9.7.    Name it6.5 Asset Data Import Rule – Printer.

9.7.1.  Edit it to look like this:

9.7.2.  Set the Schedule to occur whenever you like, but MAKE sure you test it and validate the data FIRST.

9.8.    Click Save changes.

9.9.    Click Test Rule and verify it looks good.

9.10.  Click Run now.

9.10.1.                      When done, verify the data in the 7.1 database with this query:



va.[Asset Type],





va.[Serial Number],


vi4.Name AS 'Location',

poi.[Order Number] AS 'PO',

poi.[Delivery Date],

cii.amount AS 'COST',

iai.[Available for Use],

iai.[Planned Disposal Date],

cco.Owner AS 'CC Owner',

vi2.Name AS 'CC Owner Name',

cco.[Ownership Percentage] AS 'CC Percentage', AS 'VCC Name',

vcc.[Cost Center Code] AS 'VCC Code',

vcc.Description AS 'VCC Desc',

vcc._ResourceGuid AS 'VCC Resourceguid',

iod.Owner AS 'IOD Owner',

iod.[Ownership Percentage] AS 'IOD Percentage',,


 from vasset va

left join Inv_Comment co

      on co._resourceguid = va._ResourceGuid

join Inv_Manufacturer mf

      on  mf._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Barcode ba

      on ba._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join ResourceAssociation ra

      on ra.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid      

      and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid ='05DE450F-39EA-4AAE-8C5F-77817889C27C'               

left join vLocation vl

      on ra.ChildResourceGuid = vl._ResourceGuid

left join vItem vi4

      on  vl._ResourceGuid = vi4.Guid

left join Inv_Accounting_Information iai

      on va._ResourceGuid = iai._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Cost_Center_Ownership cco

      on  cco._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid

left join vItem vi2

      on cco.owner = vi2.Guid

left join vItem vi

      on vi.Guid = va._ResourceGuid

left join Inv_Cost_Items cii

      on cii._ResourceGuid = vi.guid

left join Inv_Purchase_Order_Information poi

      on poi._ResourceGuid = cii.[Purchase Order]

left join vCostCenter vcc

      on vcc._ResourceGuid = vi2.guid

left join Inv_Ownership_Details iod

      on va._resourceguid = iod._resourceguid

left join vItem vi3

      on iod.Owner = vi3.guid

where va.[asset type] = 'network printer'

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Mar 12, 2012 04:04 AM


thanks heaps for taking time to put this article together. i am working on setting up the AMS system in my organisation and was actually thinking how i would import data from our ERP system(we use SAP). Thanks to your article I have something to start with :-)




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