Endpoint Protection

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How to use HI policy to monitor the CPU and RAM usage of the endpoint 

Nov 23, 2010 03:11 AM

The usage of the CPU and RAM is an important check point of the performance of endpoint.

We can use HI policy to monitor the CPU and RAM usage. The following example shows the configuration steps. If the usage of the CPU and RAM is higher than 50%, then the HI check will fail.

1. Create a HI policy, and add a Custom requirement.

2. Firstly, create a registy key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\TempPerfCPU and set the value as 0.

3. Run a VBScript. This VBScript will read the usage of CPU and RAM by WMI. If the usage is higher than 50%, then set the value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\TempPerfCPU into 1, otherwise, leave it as 0.

Here is the content of this VBScript:

On Error Resume Next
Set oOSSet = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_OperatingSystem")
 os_name = oOSSet.CSName
 os_totalmem = oOSSet.TotalVisibleMemorySize
 os_freemem = oOSSet.FreePhysicalMemory
 os_totalvirmem = oOSSet.TotalVirtualMemorySize
 os_freevirmem = oOSSet.FreeVirtualMemory

Set oOSCPU = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:win32_processor='cpu0'")
 os_CPULoad = oOSCPU.LoadPercentage

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If (os_freemem*2<os_totalmem) or (os_freevirmem*2<os_totalvirmem) or os_CPULoad>50 Then
   WshShell.RegWrite PerfCPU, "1", "REG_DWORD"
   WshShell.RegWrite PerfCPU, "0", "REG_DWORD"
End if

4. Check the value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\TempPerfCPU. If the value is 0, then set the HI result as PASS.

5. If the value is 1, then set the HI result to FAIL. And, add a notification on the endpoint.

Below is the notification on the endpoint:

And, this is the screenshot of the Security Log on endpoint:

Attached is the exported policy file.

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1 Files
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System Monitor-CPU and RAM.zip   3 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020

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Feb 26, 2013 10:59 AM

The script is useful.

Dec 22, 2010 06:50 AM

where do i start to check this thing,laptop,so i can do maintenance,i could not afford a warranty,im on disability.i keep getting cpu warnibgs,90 percent usage.anyone want to help

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