Workflow Soluiton

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Bookmarking a Workflow 

Nov 10, 2009 10:17 AM

If any of you have deployed a workflow or webform to your end users, you've inevitably received a call complaining that the site is "not working". After some digging, you come to find out the users started the form from a bookmark, thus causing the problem.

When a user bookmarks a page in a workflow, IE invariably adds the "composerform.aspx?Session=xxxxxxx" data to the URL. Since the bookmark contains a session variable, it will throw an error the next time a user attempts to use it.

To solve this, I've implemented a simple Java script that will create a bookmark with the proper URL. This only works for IE (sorry Firefox users!).

First, edit the first webform the user sees and add this to the Script section:

var urlAddress = "http://YOURURLHERE";
var pageName = "Name For Favorites List";
function addToFavorites() { if (window.external) { window.external.AddFavorite(urlAddress,pageName)
} else { alert("Sorry! Your browser doesn't support this function."); } }

Edit the 2 sections in BOLD ITALICS above and enter the root URL of your app, and the name you'd like to see on the Favorites List.

To edit the script section of a webform, simply right click on an empty section in your form and click Edit Form. Click the Behavior tab, then scroll down and click the ellipses next to Script.


Now add a Merge HTML component to your webform.  In that component you'll add an A HREF link to call this Java Script:

<a href="javascript:addToFavorites()">Bookmark This Page</a>

I like to edit the source of the HTML merge and just paste this line right between the BODY tags:

When a user click on this link, the Favorites Dialog opens and allows the user to save the bookmark in whatever folder they choose.

Hope this helps!

Rob Moore

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