Intel,Altiris Group

Intel’s Presence at ManageFusion Orlando 2008 

Sep 22, 2008 05:33 PM

October 14-16, 2008 JW Marriott Grande Lakes, Orlando

This is your opportunity to talk with the experts face-to-face, experience the technology, hear how others are utilizing the technology, and more!!

Here's a quick summary of the Intel lineup

Intel Booth (#1)

See compelling Intel® vPro technology demos focusing on: Dynamic Virtual Client (streaming applications), manageability and client-initiated remote access.

Take part in the Intel Passport Program and receive a bamboo running cap. Also, enter to win an Intel® Centrino® notebook.

Participate in the IT Quest and get a T-shirt. And, you can enter to win an Intel® Centrino® notebook.

Tuesday, October 14
Opening Keynote: 9-10:30 am

Gregory Bryant takes part in Steve Morton's road trip.

Hands-On Lab: 10:45 -11:45 am
AP L02: Eliminate Network Attacks during Remote Software Deployment

Abstract: Protecting networks and PCs from potential threats is a full-time job; however, Intel® vPro^TM^ technology can help IT administrators streamline the process and better protect clients and block network access. Network filtering software is commonly used to protect the network from a client, or protect the client from a potential threat on the network. Intel vPro technology enables IT administrators to easily deploy software without making a deskside visit and even though the filter is engaged, the Notification Server can still manage the client. During this lab, attendees will learn how to deliver software and update the client while the network filters are engaged. Instructors: John Dickensheets (ITS), Terry Cutler (Intel), Lee Bender (Symantec)

Breakout Session: 2:15-3:15 pm
AP B05: Implement Intel® vPro Technology Today

Abstract:This session will give you a nuts to bolts overview of what's needed to realize the benefits of implementing Intel® vPro technology. During the session attendees will learn which OEMs are using Intel vPro technology in their PCs, the value of the Intel/Symantec solution along with implementation options and tools that facilitate self activation. If that's not enough, you will also find out which partners can assist in implementation. This is a must-attend session for those who are Intel vPro technology-serious. Instructors: Tracie Zenti (Intel) and Matt Bingham (Symantec)

Wednesday, October 15
Breakout Session: 10:30-11:30 am
AP B09: What's Keeping You Awake At Night? Interact with Industry Experts and IT Professionals.

Abstract: This session is designed to be an interactive Q&A with the audience. Peter Kastner, industry analyst will act as moderator and attendees will hear his take on industry trends, issues and what companies are facing when it comes to their IT infrastructure. Panel members will also discuss IT pain points and how to meet the ever-changing, end-user management and security needs. Material will also address how Intel and Symantec are helping IT organizations improve efficiencies, reduce costs and prepare for the future. Presentations will be brief with most of the time devoted to taking questions from the audience. Panel Members: Peter Kastner (Industry Analyst), Chad Perniciaro (Valerent, Inc.), Kevin Unbedacht (Symantec), Josh Hilliker (Intel), and Other participants TBD

Hands-On Lab: 12:45 -1:45 pm
AP L02: Eliminate Network Attacks during Remote Software Deployment

Abstract: Protecting networks and PCs from potential threats is a full-time job; however, Intel® vPro^TM^ technology can help IT administrators streamline the process and better protect clients and block network access. Network filtering software is commonly used to protect the network from a client, or protect the client from a potential threat on the network. Intel vPro technology enables IT administrators to easily deploy software without making a deskside visit and even though the filter is engaged, the Notification Server can still manage the client. During this lab, attendees will learn how to deliver software and update the client while the network filters are engaged. Instructors: John Dickensheets (ITS), Terry Cutler (Intel), Lee Bender (Symantec)

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