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PXE Boot Option Removal 

Sep 25, 2008 11:33 AM

If you ever wanted to remove a boot option from the PXE configuration utility that was flagged in use then you know it can be quite a pain figuring out what jobs are referencing the boot option and changing them. I have even had a couple occasions where the boot options were changed but I still couldn't remove the old PXE option.

So do you just leave it and act like it doesn't exist?

No I say, to the database we must go.

First open the PXE Config utility select and choose edit on the Boot option in question.

Once the Edit Shared menu Option is open look at the File location and get the number from the end of the path. 161 in our case.

Now open SQL Query editor and point it to the Express DB

Run the following Query:

select * from dbo.task
where bootoption_id = 161

This will return any jobs that reference the boot option. In this case Event_id 200735 references this boot option. There is also a task_seq which is used if there are additional steps in a job that reference the boot option.

Now we need to run another query get the Job info this is stored in the events table.

select * from dbo.event
where event_id = 2000735

From this query we can get the name of the job. Once we have the name we can go into the DS console and easily find the job and change the boot option. Once these are updated we can once again go into the PXE Config Utility and delete the offending Boot option.

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Aug 03, 2011 05:44 AM

Very usefull post, I have added it to my bookmarks.

But might as well use one single query:

select * from dbo.event
where event_id in ( select event_id from dbo.task
where bootoption_id = 161 )

Nov 05, 2008 08:41 PM

Worked like a charm. I was able to clean up the options...finally.

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