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Single Report with PO, Purchase Request, Invoice and Receiving References 

Jul 11, 2008 02:46 PM

If you have ever wanted a single report with the Purchase Order number, the Purchase Request reference, Invoice Reference and Receiving Slip Reference all together, see if this will work for you.

  1. Clone the report "All Purchase Orders" found in Asset & Inventory > Receiving > Purchase Orders
  2. Edit the report and replace the SQL with the following
    SELECT I.Guid AS _ResourceGuid, 
    	IPOD.[Order Number], 
    	dbo.fnLocalizeStringByGuid('', raSup.ChildResourceGuid, '%_culture%') as [Supplier], 
    	SUM(ILIP.Quantity) as [Number of Items], 
    	isnull(Received.[Count],0) as [Number of Received Items], 
    	sum(isnull(ILIP.Quantity,0) * (isnull(ILIP.[Unit Cost],0) + isnull(ILIP.[Tax Amount],0)) ) as [Total Cost], 
    	isnull(reqTab.Name,'') as Requestor, 
    	dbo.fnGetLinkedReceivingItemAsString(I.Guid,'06c97c09-f96d-4260-a119-061396a67eb9') as [PR Reference], 
    	dbo.fnGetLinkedReceivingItemAsString(I.Guid,'22538eed-17fe-42cd-889d-949a15e3cf03') as [Invoice Reference], 
    	dbo.fnGetLinkedReceivingItemAsString(I.Guid,'df2f98f8-b408-4776-88e0-5418d917e833') as [Receiving Slip Reference], 
    FROM vResource v 
    INNER JOIN Item I ON v.Guid = I.Guid 
    JOIN ResourceTypeHierarchy rth on rth.ResourceTypeGuid = v.ResourceTypeGuid AND rth.BaseResourceTypeGuid = 'DF81E731-09AB-4391-B2D9-3B16E9C4AA86' --Purchase Order 
    left join Inv_Line_Items ILIP ON I.[Guid] = ILIP.[_ResourceGuid] 
    left JOIN Inv_Purchase_Order_Information IPOD ON IPOD._ResourceGuid = I.Guid 
    left join ResourceAssociation raCatForCatI on raCatForCatI.ParentResourceGuid = ILIP.[Catalog Item] and raCatForCatI.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '90879BB6-EF1C-4fd0-A8F7-4E68B92B9537' -- Catalog for Catalog Item 
    left join ResourceAssociation raSup on raSup.ParentResourceGuid = raCatForCatI.ChildResourceGuid and raSup.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '97d3522d-0d2e-4dce-9014-e8e4712d59de' -- Catalog To Supplier 
    left outer join  
    	(select r._ResourceGuid, vi.Name as Name from fnRx_GetReceivingItemsHierarchy() r 
    	join ResourceAssociation raReq on r.AncestorGuid = raReq.ParentResourceGuid  
    	and raReq.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'fd0a2540-c373-45c9-95c8-4e8177bf295b' -- Requestor 
    	join vItem vi on vi.Guid = raReq.ChildResourceGuid 
    	) reqTab on reqTab._ResourceGuid = I.Guid 
    left join  
    	(select AncestorGuid, sum(Quantity) as [Count] from  
    		(select distinct rih.AncestorGuid, rli.[Line Item ID], rli.Quantity from  
    		fnRx_GetReceivingItemsHierarchy() rih 
    		join vResource vr on vr.Guid=rih._ResourceGuid 
    		join vResourceHierarchy rh on rh.ResourceTypeGuid = vr.ResourceTypeGuid 
    		and rh.BaseResourceTypeGuid = 'df2f98f8-b408-4776-88e0-5418d917e833' -- RS 
    		join Inv_Received_Line_Items rli on rli._ResourceGuid = rih._ResourceGuid 
    		) inner_received 
    	group by AncestorGuid 
    	) Received on Received.AncestorGuid = I.Guid 
    where lower(I.Name) like lower('%ItemName%') 
    AND lower(isnull(reqTab.Name,'')) like lower('%Requestor%') 
    AND (I.CreatedDate >= %DateFrom% AND I.CreatedDate <= DateAdd(d,1,%DateTo%)) 
    AND ('%Supplier%' = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' OR '%Supplier%' = raSup.ChildResourceGuid) 
    group by I.Guid, IPOD.[Order Number], raSup.ChildResourceGuid, I.CreatedBy, I.CreatedDate, I.ModifiedBy, I.ModifiedDate, reqTab.Name, Received.[Count] 
    ORDER BY I.ModifiedDate desc, IPOD.[Order Number] desc
  3. Save the report and run it.

Here is what the report looks like (split in half to fit in the screen shot). There are a couple of other fields on the end like created by and modified by that I didn't show here and could easily be dropped.

I have only tested this report on my own data so I am afraid there are no guarantees.

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Jul 25, 2008 05:34 PM

You funny.

Jul 24, 2008 10:48 AM

This is a very nice report, definately provides all the information in one convenient location.

Jul 23, 2008 08:57 PM

Nice, me like
Jonathan Jesse
Director of Training
ITS Partners

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