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VBScript to Convert datetime Stamp to NSDate Format 

Sep 28, 2007 01:03 PM

Here's a sample vbscript to use in Custom Inventory for Windows to convert a datetime stamp to NSDatetime format. It doesn't have all possible error checking, but it does have the main conversion logic. The entire vbscript will create an NSI file directly.

 Attribute definition: 

  objTextFile.WriteLine("<s:AttributeType name=""c1"" rs:name=""DateCreated"" rs:number=""2"" rs:keycolumn=""true"" mifAttrId='2'>")
  objTextFile.WriteLine("  <s:datatype dt:type=""dateTime""/>")

Call to function in rs:data section: 

  "c1="""  + nsDate(CStr(objFile.DateCreated)) + """" _ 

Function to convert the date: 

function nsDate(curDate)
  'remove " AM" and " PM" from the end of the value
  cd = Mid(curDate,1,len(curDate)-3)
 'Separate date & time values
  pos=InStr(cd," ")
  dt = Mid(cd,1,pos)
  tm = Mid(cd,pos+1,len(dt))
  'Separate year, month & date portions of the date value
  posa = InStr(dt,"/")
  posb = InStr(posa+1,dt,"/",1)
  mm = Mid(dt,1,posa-1)
  dd = Mid(dt,posa+1,posb-posa-1)
  yy = RTrim(Mid(dt,posb+1,len(dt)))
  if len(mm) = 1 then     mm = "0" & mm end if
  if len(dd) = 1 then  dd = "0" & dd end if 
  'Separate hour, minute & second portions of the time value
  posa = InStr(tm,":")
  posb = InStr(posa+1,tm,":",1)
  hh = Mid(tm,1,posa-1)
  mi = Mid(tm,posa+1,posb-posa-1)
  ss = RTrim(Mid(tm,posb+1,len(tm)))
  if len(hh) = 1 then     hh = "0" & hh end if
  if len(mi) = 1 then  mi = "0" & mi end if 
  if len(ss) = 1 then  ss = "0" & ss end if 

  'Rebuild the date in nsdate format (CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
  nsDate = yy & "-" & mm & "-" & dd & "T" & hh & ":" & mi & ":" & ss
end function 'convertDate

A complete sample of this vbscript can be found here.

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