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Use Altiris DS Remotely to Create a User with Admin Rights 

Mar 10, 2011 05:52 PM

After trying to get access to a computer that we no longer had admin rights to, I decided to try using Altiris DS to create a user with admin rights (Altiris client was still installed).

Well it worked. Here is the code that I ran as a script:
net user username password /add
net localgroup administrators username /add
I have attached a job file that you can import. You need to rename it .bin instead of .txt
Sometimes it doesn't work (maybe not Windows 7 - but it is worth a shot).

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txt file
CreateUserWithAdminRights.txt   18 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Feb 25, 2020

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Oct 24, 2012 04:17 PM

Nice! I'm glad you got that working too. I suppose there are many ways to get into a system that you no longer have admin rights to. Thanks for sharing!

Feb 24, 2012 01:12 PM

I would do it this way since the above, while a good solution, shows the script in plain-text. Here is a VB script you can run via DS. You can use a tool like VBSEdit to change the VBS file into an EXE which will hide the text a little better.


strComputer = "."
Set colAccounts = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & ",computer")
'Sets username
Set objUser = colAccounts.Create("user", "userguy")
'Sets password
'Sets Display Name of account
objUser.Put"fullname", "bob kid"
'Sets description
objUser.Put"description", "Windows Account"
'Sets PW to not expire
objPasswordExpirationFlag = ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
objUser.Put"userFlags", objPasswordExpirationFlag


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