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Best method for multiple file custom inventory(With specific file names)

  • 1.  Best method for multiple file custom inventory(With specific file names)

    Posted Jun 23, 2010 01:20 PM

    Other than having to create an XML and call it in a custom inventory, is there a better method for custom inventory for searching for multiple files of different file names on the local directory?

    Currently, I have an xml created for each of the file names. refering to a different table on each XML.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>

    <InventoryClass name='FILE1' manufacturer='Altiris' description='' version='1.0' platform='Win32' mifClass='ALTIRIS|REGFILES|1.0'>

        <%set THROTTLEEVERY="30"%>
        <%set SLEEPMS="30"%>
        <%foreach file="file1" subdirs="yes" throttle="%THROTTLEEVERY%,%SLEEPMS%" path="c:\FILE1.EXT" subdirs="yes" maxIO="5000"%>

    And then these lines in the  ini file with a task to run it, but it takes for ever. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?

    aexcustinv.exe /in .\FileInventory1.xml /out FileInventory1.nsi
    aexcustinv.exe /in .\FileInventory2.xml /out FileInventory2.nsi
    aexcustinv.exe /in .\FileInventory3.xml /out FileInventory3.nsi
    aexcustinv.exe /in .\FileInventory4.xml /out FileInventory4.nsi