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Customize query to join 2 reports in Altiris CMS 7.1

  • 1.  Customize query to join 2 reports in Altiris CMS 7.1

    Posted Jan 08, 2013 02:17 AM

    Dear All,

    I am new to Altiris and trying to create a customize query for reports.

    My requirement is to create a report which gives me software and its count and when I drill down further (i.e., when I right click on the software) it should provide me details of that particular software with IP address, Hostname and the OU to which that system belongs.

    For acheiving the desired results I wrote the below query :-

    DECLARE @v1_TrusteeScope nvarchar(max)
    SET @v1_TrusteeScope = N'%TrusteeScope%'

    IF ('%Type%' = 'Managed Software')
    SELECT spi.Guid
          ,company.Name AS Company
          ,cnt.cnt AS [Count]
          ,gad.[Distinguished Name]
    FROM vRM_Software_Product_Item spi
            (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT inst._ResourceGuid) AS cnt,ra.ParentResourceGuid
             FROM ResourceAssociation ra
             JOIN Inv_InstalledSoftware inst
                ON inst._SoftwareComponentGuid = ra.ChildResourceGuid and InstallFlag = 1
             WHERE ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '9D67B0C6-BEFF-4FCD-86C1-4A40028FE483' --product contains component
             AND inst._ResourceGuid IN (SELECT ResourceGuid from ScopeMembership WHERE ScopeCollectionGuid IN(SELECT ScopeCollectionGuid FROM fnGetTrusteeScopeCollections (@v1_TrusteeScope)))
             GROUP BY ra.ParentResourceGuid 
       ON cnt.ParentResourceGuid = spi.[Guid]
    JOIN Inv_Software_Product_State sps
       ON sps._ResourceGuid = spi.[Guid]
       AND sps.IsManaged = 1
    LEFT JOIN Inv_Software_Product_Version spv
       ON spv._ResourceGuid = spi.[Guid]
    LEFT JOIN Inv_Global_Active_Directory_Details gad
       ON gad._ResourceGuid = spi.[Guid]
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT rc.Name, ra.ParentResourceGuid AS softProdGuid
               FROM RM_ResourceCompany rc
               JOIN ResourceAssociation ra
                  ON ra.ChildResourceGuid = rc.[Guid]
                  AND ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'D5C66D5A-7686-4CA2-B7C1-AC980576CE1D')company
       ON company.softProdGuid = spi.[Guid]
    WHERE ('%Name%' = '%' OR LOWER (spi.Name) LIKE LOWER ('%Name%'))
    AND ('%Version%' = '%' OR spv.[Version] LIKE '%Version%')
    AND ('%Company%' = '%' OR LOWER (company.Name) LIKE LOWER ('%Company%'))
    AND spi.[CreatedDate] >= '%Discovered since%'
    ORDER BY spi.Name

    IF ('%Type%' = 'All Software')
    SELECT sci.[Guid]
           ,company.Name AS [Company]
           ,inst.cnt AS [Count]
           ,agad.[Distinguished Name]
    FROM vRM_Software_Component_Item sci
    JOIN Inv_Software_Component sc
       ON sci.Guid = sc._ResourceGuid
    JOIN (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT _ResourceGuid) AS cnt, _SoftwareComponentGuid
          FROM Inv_InstalledSoftware
          WHERE InstallFlag = 1
          AND _ResourceGuid IN (SELECT ResourceGuid from ScopeMembership WHERE ScopeCollectionGuid IN(SELECT ScopeCollectionGuid FROM fnGetTrusteeScopeCollections (@v1_TrusteeScope)))
          GROUP BY _SoftwareComponentGuid)inst
       ON inst._SoftwareComponentGuid = sci.Guid
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT ra.ParentResourceGuid AS sofCompGuid, rc.Name
               FROM RM_ResourceCompany rc
               JOIN ResourceAssociation ra
                  ON ra.ChildResourceGuid = rc.Guid
                  AND ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '292DBD81-1526-423A-AE6D-F44EB46C5B16')company
       ON company.sofCompGuid = sci.Guid
    LEFT JOIN Inv_Global_Active_Directory_Details agad
       ON agad._ResourceGuid = sci.[Guid]
    WHERE ('%Name%' = '%' OR LOWER (sci.Name) LIKE LOWER ('%Name%'))
    AND ('%Version%' = '%' OR sc.[Version] LIKE '%Version%')
    AND ('%Company%' = '%' OR LOWER (company.Name) LIKE LOWER ('%Company%'))
    AND sci.[CreatedDate] >= '%Discovered since%'
    ORDER BY sci.Name

    The above query when run in database gives the result command completed successsfully, but when we run the same query to generate reports it fails.

    Any suggestions..???

    Thanks in advance







  • 2.  RE: Customize query to join 2 reports in Altiris CMS 7.1

    Posted Jan 08, 2013 06:06 AM

    ...moved to the correct forum!