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  • 1.  Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 10, 2013 04:06 PM

    I have come across a script to get the filevault status on a Mac.  I have also created several custom inventory items for PCs.  My problem is that I don't have a clue to get the output from the script into the custom data class from the Mac.

    I have come across some sample scripts but nothing really explaing how the data collected gets into the correct data class.  On a PC i would ahve to put in the GUIS of the data class for it to work.  As far as I can tell this works differently on a Mac.


    Can anyone shed some light on this for me?


    Script for filevault status I found on the internet:



    # Get number of CoreStorage devices. The egrep pattern used later in the script
    # uses this information to only report on the first encrypted drive, which should
    # be the boot drive.
    # Credit to Mike Osterman for identifying this problem in the original version of
    # the script and finding a fix for it.

    DEVICE_COUNT=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "^CoreStorage logical volume groups" | awk '{print $5}' | sed -e's/(//'`

    if [ "$DEVICE_COUNT" != "1" ]; then
      EGREP_STRING="^\| *"

    osversionlong=`sw_vers -productVersion`
    CONTEXT=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Encryption Context" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}'`
    ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Has Encrypted Extents" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $4}'`
    ENCRYPTION=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Encryption Type" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}'`
    CONVERTED=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Size \(Converted\)" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $5, $6}'`
    SIZE=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Size \(Total\)" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $5, $6}'`

    # Checks to see if the OS on the Mac is 10.7 or 10.8.
    # If it is not, the following message is displayed without quotes:
    # "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Available For This Version Of Mac OS X"

    if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then
      echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Available For This Version Of Mac OS X"


    if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
      diskutil cs list >> $CORESTORAGESTATUS
        # If the Mac is running 10.7 or 10.8, but does not have
        # any CoreStorage volumes, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled"
        if grep -iE 'No CoreStorage' $CORESTORAGESTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
           echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled"
        # If the Mac is running 10.7 or 10.8 and has CoreStorage volumes,
        # the script then checks to see if the machine is encrypted,
        # encrypting, or decrypting.
        # If encrypted, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Complete"
        # If encrypting, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding."
        # How much has been encrypted of of the total
        # amount of space is also displayed. If the
        # amount of encryption is for some reason not
        # known, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Status Unknown. Please check."
        # If decrypting, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding"
        # How much has been decrypted of of the total
        # amount of space is also displayed
        # If fully decrypted, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Decryption Complete"

        if grep -iE 'Logical Volume Family' $CORESTORAGESTATUS 1>/dev/null; then

        # This section does 10.7-specific checking of the Mac's
        # FileVault 2 status

          if [ "$CONTEXT" = "Present" ]; then
            if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "AES-XTS" ]; then
           diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Status" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTSTATUS
          if grep -iE 'Complete' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
            echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Complete"
            if  grep -iE 'Converting' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
              diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                if grep -iE 'Forward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                  echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Encrypted"
                  echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Status Unknown. Please check."
                if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "None" ]; then
                  diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                    if grep -iE 'Backward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                      echo "FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Decrypted"
                    elif grep -iE '-none-' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                      echo "FileVault 2 Decryption Completed"
        # This section does 10.8-specific checking of the Mac's
        # FileVault 2 status

          if [ "$ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS" = "Yes" ]; then
            if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "AES-XTS" ]; then
           diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Fully Secure" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTSTATUS
          if grep -iE 'Yes' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
            echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Complete"
            if  grep -iE 'No' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
              diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                if grep -iE 'forward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                  echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Encrypted"

                if grep -iE 'backward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                           echo "FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Decrypted"
                              elif grep -iE '-none-' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                                echo "FileVault 2 Decryption Completed"
          if [ "$ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS" = "No" ]; then
            echo "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled"

    # Remove the temp files created during the script

    if [ -f /private/tmp/corestorage.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/corestorage.txt

    if [ -f /private/tmp/encrypt_status.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/encrypt_status.txt

    if [ -f /private/tmp/encrypt_direction.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/encrypt_direction.txt



  • 2.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 11:48 AM


    So I ran the sample script and it returned custom inv into altiris.

    So I know the agent is working crrrectly.


    I cloned the sample and changed the command line but Still get no results.  Can someone tell me what the Delimiters are?  Can somebody check this?


    . `aex-helper info path -s INVENTORY`/lib/helpers/
    # Sample script for custom inventory
    # The first line of code should be always included at the begin of the script
    # Actual script for collecting inventory data begins after the following label:
    echo Filevault2Status
    echo "Delimiters=\" \" "
    echo string256
    echo FileVault_Status

    diskutil cs list | grep -E "\Conversion Status" | awk '{print $3 " "}'

  • 3.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac
    Best Answer

    Posted May 13, 2013 01:13 PM


    In your script above, the data class is: Filevault2Status. This data class will only populate one column, which is: FileVault_Status. The dataclass must be created in the NS console, same as for windows custom inventory data classes. It will not be created on-the-fly when the data is loaded into the symantec_cmdb. 

    The delimiters depend on the data. by defalt, the delimiter is a space. Usually, you don't need to modify this, especially in this case since you only have one column of data. 

    Ensure that the data class is created with the 'exact' name specified in the script, rerun it and see if data is populated into the db table. 

    Hint: For testing purposes, you can comment out the first line that includes the Doing that will echo everything to the screen without sending the data to the NS. You can then tell if the the correct data is being returned. 

  • 4.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 02:29 PM

    Great.  Working now.  I was wondering, do I always need to use the {print $1 " "} command or will it take the output of any script?

    What about an echo?

  • 5.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 02:35 PM

    Also the output of another script is a line of text.  How can I set the Delims to take the entire line and use it instead of just one word?

  • 6.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 03:56 PM

    Any output command will work, including echo. Two things to keep in mind: 

       1. Each output line in your script logic will be a row in the database. 

       2. Any output created by your own script logic will be picked up by the custom inventory helper, which will attempt to parse it as either the dataclass description, etc. or as actual data. So, be sure to redirect any output in your own logic. 


    As for delimiters, you can do something like: 

        echo "Delimiters=\"^\""

    And, then you can output your data as: 

        echo $var1"^"$var2"^"$var3...


    You just need to pick a delimiter that will not appear in your data/variables. 

  • 7.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 04:14 PM

    Tried your Delimiters but it still only gives me the first word.


    This is the line im trying to read:

    echo "^" "FileVault_2_Decryption_Proceeding._$CONVERTED_of_$SIZE_Decrypted" "^"

    I added the "^" before and after and changed the Delimiters to  echo "Delimiters=\"^\""

    If I run the script from a terminal window with the altiris bits commented out it gives me:

    ^ FileVault_2_ Decryption_Proceeding._(49.7 GB)_of_(158.8 GB)_Decrypted ^

    This is what I get in Altiris:

    FileVault_2_ Decryption_Proceeding._

    I replaced thespaces with _ in the hopes it would catch the entire line.  I would like to leave the spaces in and do my reporting using SQL. How do I tell it to take the entire line of output into the table and not just the first word?  I wish I understood this better.

  • 8.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 13, 2013 06:52 PM

    Using single quotes around my variable gave the desired output including the entire string. I believe that single quotes preserves everything in a string while double quotes tries to process things within the string. So, the "$..." is probably being interpreted and processed as a separate, null varaible. 



    Sampel script with single quotes: 


    #. `aex-helper info path -s INVENTORY`/lib/helpers/
    # Sample script for custom inventory
    # The first line of code should be always included at the begin of the script
    # Actual script for collecting inventory data begins after the following label:
    echo Filevault2Status
    echo "Delimiters=\"%\" "
    echo string256
    echo FileVault_Status
    echo $var


  • 9.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 14, 2013 09:28 AM

    Thanks for all your help.  The script is now working like I want it.  Final script posted velow:

    . `aex-helper info path -s INVENTORY`/lib/helpers/
    # Sample script for custom inventory
    # The first line of code should be always included at the begin of the script
    # Actual script for collecting inventory data begins after the following label:
    echo Filevault2Status
    echo "Delimiters=\"%\" "
    echo string256
    echo FileVault_Status


    # Get number of CoreStorage devices. The egrep pattern used later in the script
    # uses this information to only report on the first encrypted drive, which should
    # be the boot drive.
    # Credit to Mike Osterman for identifying this problem in the original version of
    # the script and finding a fix for it.

    DEVICE_COUNT=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "^CoreStorage logical volume groups" | awk '{print $5}' | sed -e's/(//'`

    if [ "$DEVICE_COUNT" != "1" ]; then
      EGREP_STRING="^\| *"

    osversionlong=`sw_vers -productVersion`
    CONTEXT=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Encryption Context" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}'`
    ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Has Encrypted Extents" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $4}'`
    ENCRYPTION=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Encryption Type" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}'`
    CONVERTED=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Size \(Converted\)" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $5, $6}'`
    SIZE=`diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Size \(Total\)" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $5, $6}'`

    # Checks to see if the OS on the Mac is 10.7 or 10.8.
    # If it is not, the following message is displayed without quotes:
    # "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Available For This Version Of Mac OS X"

    if [[ ${osvers} -lt 7 ]]; then
      var='FileVault 2 Encryption Not Available For This Version Of Mac OS X'
      echo $var


    if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
      diskutil cs list >> $CORESTORAGESTATUS
        # If the Mac is running 10.7 or 10.8, but does not have
        # any CoreStorage volumes, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled"
        if grep -iE 'No CoreStorage' $CORESTORAGESTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
           var='FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled'
           echo $var
        # If the Mac is running 10.7 or 10.8 and has CoreStorage volumes,
        # the script then checks to see if the machine is encrypted,
        # encrypting, or decrypting.
        # If encrypted, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Complete"
        # If encrypting, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding."
        # How much has been encrypted of of the total
        # amount of space is also displayed. If the
        # amount of encryption is for some reason not
        # known, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Encryption Status Unknown. Please check."
        # If decrypting, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding"
        # How much has been decrypted of of the total
        # amount of space is also displayed
        # If fully decrypted, the following message is
        # displayed without quotes:
        # "FileVault 2 Decryption Complete"

        if grep -iE 'Logical Volume Family' $CORESTORAGESTATUS 1>/dev/null; then

        # This section does 10.7-specific checking of the Mac's
        # FileVault 2 status

          if [ "$CONTEXT" = "Present" ]; then
            if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "AES-XTS" ]; then
           diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Status" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTSTATUS
          if grep -iE 'Complete' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
           var='FileVault 2 Encryption Complete'
                           echo $var
            if  grep -iE 'Converting' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
              diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                if grep -iE 'Forward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                 var="FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding $CONVERTED of $SIZE Encrypted"
                                  echo $var
                  var='FileVault 2 Encryption Status Unknown. Please check.'
                                  echo $var
                if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "None" ]; then
                  diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                    if grep -iE 'Backward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                      var="FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Decrypted"
                      echo $var
                    elif grep -iE '-none-' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                      var='FileVault 2 Decryption Completed'
                      echo $var
        # This section does 10.8-specific checking of the Mac's
        # FileVault 2 status

          if [ "$ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS" = "Yes" ]; then
            if [ "$ENCRYPTION" = "AES-XTS" ]; then
           diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Fully Secure" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTSTATUS
          if grep -iE 'Yes' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
            var='FileVault 2 Encryption Complete'
                            echo $var
            if  grep -iE 'No' $ENCRYPTSTATUS 1>/dev/null; then
              diskutil cs list | grep -E "$EGREP_STRING\Conversion Direction" | sed -e's/\|//' | awk '{print $3}' >> $ENCRYPTDIRECTION
                if grep -iE 'forward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                  var="FileVault 2 Encryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Encrypted"
                                  echo $var
                if grep -iE 'backward' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                           var="FileVault 2 Decryption Proceeding. $CONVERTED of $SIZE Decrypted"
                           echo $var
                              elif grep -iE '-none-' $ENCRYPTDIRECTION 1>/dev/null; then
                                var='FileVault 2 Decryption Completed'
                                echo $var
          if [ "$ENCRYPTIONEXTENTS" = "No" ]; then
            var='FileVault 2 Encryption Not Enabled'
                            echo $var

    # Remove the temp files created during the script

    if [ -f /private/tmp/corestorage.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/corestorage.txt

    if [ -f /private/tmp/encrypt_status.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/encrypt_status.txt

    if [ -f /private/tmp/encrypt_direction.txt ]; then
       rm /private/tmp/encrypt_direction.txt

  • 10.  RE: Custum Invetory for Mac

    Posted May 14, 2013 11:56 AM

    Glad it's working. Looks like a great script. Hope you don't mind that I keep a copy! Good job.