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  • 1.  Dell/HP Warranty info

    Posted Oct 23, 2012 09:00 AM

    I have been looking into ways to pull the warranty information for my computers into altiris for reporting.  I have read this article:

    and have been able to get my windows 7 PCs to run the script and get the warranty info into the database.  I have noticed that this script will not run on any of my XP machines.  I was also wondering if anyone has pulled in info for HP computers.


    I will try to get the script for my XP machines working.  If I get it to work I will post my results.

  • 2.  RE: Dell/HP Warranty info

    Posted Oct 24, 2012 07:41 AM

  • 3.  RE: Dell/HP Warranty info

    Posted Nov 06, 2012 06:25 AM

    Nice work...does anyone know if Lenovo has a similar web service? I would probably bulk-load these from asset management, maybe through an automation policy. Also might want to stagger the timing on this so Dell didn't detect a DOS and block you....if that fits up for all 22k machines at my work at once...:-)

  • 4.  RE: Dell/HP Warranty info

    Posted Nov 07, 2012 10:38 AM

    I think I have this working now for XP and win7.  changed the code a bit but I have only tested it on a few PCs but it seems to work.  Code follows:

    Revised code below:

    Dim SoapRequest
    Dim url, regkey, svctag
    Dim warrantyRows, warrantyCols
    Dim objShell, objXML, objWMI, objHTTP, NodeList
    Dim i, result
    Dim strsld,strprv,strent,strstd,strend,strdl
    Dim test, objItem, query_result, strComputer, wmi
    'Create instance of Altiris NSE component
    strComputer = "."
    dim nse
    set nse = WScript.CreateObject ("Altiris.AeXNSEvent")
    'Set the header data of the NSE
    'Don't modify this GUID
    nse.To = "{1592B913-72F3-4C36-91D2-D4EDA21D2F96}"
    nse.Priority = 1

    'Create Inventory data block using the GUID of the custom inventory data class created on the NS
    dim objDCInstance
    set objDCInstance = nse.AddDataClass ("{cb45ea93-7786-4e63-8d0d-22b7cc093639}")
    dim objDataClass
    set objDataClass = nse.AddDataBlock (objDCInstance)
    SoapRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:soap=""""> <soap:Body> <GetAssetInformation xmlns=""""> <guid>11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111</guid> <applicationName>AssetService</applicationName> <serviceTags>!SERVICETAG!</serviceTags> </GetAssetInformation> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"

    url = ""
    Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    strComputer = "."
    Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set query_result = wmi.ExecQuery("SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_BIOS")
    For Each item In query_result
    svctag = item.SerialNumber
    'WScript.Echo item.SerialNumber
    WScript.Echo svctag

    SoapRequest = Replace(SoapRequest, "!SERVICETAG!", svctag)
    Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") "POST", URL, false
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    objHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", ""
    objHTTP.send SoapRequest
    result = objHTTP.responseText
    Set objXML = CreateObject ("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
    objXML.LoadXml result
    If not objXML.SelectSinglenode ("//faultstring") is nothing then
    Err.Raise 1, "Error:" & objXML.SelectSingleNode("//faultcode").text, Trim(objXML.SelectSingleNode("//faultstring").text)
    End If

    Set NodeList = objXML.SelectNodes("//Asset/Entitlements/EntitlementData")
    wscript.echo NodeList.length & " results returned: "

    For i = 0 to NodeList.length - 1
    set warrantyCols = NodeList.item(i)
    strsld = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("ServiceLevelDescription").text
    WScript.echo "ServiceLevelDescription: " & strsld
    strprv = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("Provider").text
    WScript.echo "Provider: " & strprv
    strent = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("EntitlementType").text
    WScript.echo "EntitlementType: " & strent
    strstd = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("StartDate").text
    WScript.echo "Start Date: " & strstd

    strend = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("EndDate").text
    WScript.echo "End Date: " & strend

    'strdl = warrantyCols.SelectSingleNode("DaysLeft").text
    'WScript.echo "Days Left: " & strdl

    'Populate nse data fields
    dim objDataRow
    set objDataRow = objDataClass.AddRow
    objDataRow.SetField 0, strsld
    objDataRow.SetField 1, strprv
    objDataRow.SetField 2, strent
    objDataRow.SetField 3, strstd
    objDataRow.SetField 4, strend
    'objDataRow.SetField 5, strdl

    'if IsNull(strEndDateValue) then
    ' objDataRow.SetField 2, "0"
    ' objDataRow.SetField 2, strEndDateValue
    'end if
    'if IsNull(strEntitlementTypeValue) then
    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, "0"
    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, strEntitlementTypeValue
    'end if
    'if IsNull(strProviderValue) then
    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, "0"
    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, strProviderValue
    'end if'
    'if IsNull(strStartDateValue) then

    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, "0"
    ' objDataRow.SetField 3, strStartDateValue
    'end if
    'Send nse to altiris server