Deployment Solution

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  • 1.  Deployment jobs submitted via another application

    Posted Nov 09, 2008 12:41 AM
    I would like to image a PC by scanning a bar code, plugging the cables into the PC and powering the PC on. In other words, I don't want to find the PC in the DS console and drag the job to the PC. In order to do this, I was going to write a small app that will have an input box for the computer name. The app would query the express database for the computer ID and submit an imaging job to this PC. I am not sure how to queue up a job for the Deployment server other than via the DS Console. Can I do this by making an entry in a table in the express database? Any suggestions would be helpful.

  • 2.  RE: Deployment jobs submitted via another application

    Posted Nov 10, 2008 08:03 AM
    Are you trying to push an image down onto the computer or pull one from the computer as a backup? I am guessing the first. You could set up initial deployment with imaging jobs and condtions for which image you want to use. For example we have an HII for our 32 bit images and the computer we want to push a 64 bit image we use a condition that checks which model the computer is and if it matches a condition it pushes the correct 64 bit image onto that computer. If you are trying to pull an image from a computer just right click on the aclient icon (assuming you are using aclient) and select shutdown for imaging. This uses a quick image job to pull the image from the computer.

  • 3.  RE: Deployment jobs submitted via another application

    Posted Nov 10, 2008 09:52 AM
    If you are looking to do some scripting/programming I would recommend looking at the ASDK to create a new computer with the Serial Number scanned and then schedule the DS jobs from a web page! Or perhaps you could use workflow? John Golembiewski Midwest Practice Principal ITS Partners Jgo@itsdelivers

  • 4.  RE: Deployment jobs submitted via another application

    Posted Nov 10, 2008 07:48 PM
    Thanks for the reply. I guess I was not clear. Here is an example of what I am trying to do .. A user has so much spyware on his/her PC, we issue a new PC. I want to take the messed up PC to our work room. Using a hand scanner. I want to plug the PC to a network cable and power, scan the PC with a hand scanner and have an application automatically start downloading an image to the messed up PC. I would have a "Application PC" in the work room with a hand scanner hooked up. I am basically looking for any easier way to avoid starting the Deployment Server Console, finding the PC in DS and dragging a job to the PC. I am worried an imaging person will drag the wrong job to the wrong PC. Hope this helps clear up what I am trying to do. It seems I read where one can insert a row into an express table and this will start a job.

  • 5.  RE: Deployment jobs submitted via another application

    Posted Nov 10, 2008 07:49 PM
    Thanks-- I think that is what I am looking for ...Hope it is not too difficult.