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  • 1.  Difference between a pause and a snooze?

    Posted Apr 08, 2009 11:24 AM
    I'm a bit confused.   I know , what else is new.  Sorry if this has been asked before.  The manual doesn't really clarify this.
    Each one by itself makes sense, but put together raises questions.

    It seems to me the term pause and snooze are being used interchangeably except in the policy where they separate them into
    distinct categories.

    I've unchecked the limit the time a user can pause a scan  listed under "Pause Options"

    I've checked the "Allow users to snooze the scan for 3 hours"  and have 3 for "Maximum number of snooze opportunities"
    This should let the user delay the scan 3 times for a total of 9 hours, correct?

    Do I need box under Pause Options Checked to use the Snooze Options?

    Does one override the other?   Do they work together?

    When these are enabled, what should the user see on their desktop?

    The standard Scanning windows comes up with the pause button enabled.  Is this pause button used for both
    the pause and snooze function?   Or does some other popup appear to give the user the option to snooze?

    So as you can see, I'm confused about the "Scan Pause Options"

    I'm doing some testing now.

    I want to make sure what I think I'm setting is what the user is really seeing and getting.


  • 2.  RE: Difference between a pause and a snooze?

    Posted Apr 08, 2009 01:25 PM
    Yes they can work together.  We have 'allow the user to pause or snooze a scan' checked.  This allows you to change the more detailed options.  Under 'Pause Options' you can check both if you want to.  If you pause a scan it will resume after the time limit you set or if the time is set to 1 for example the user can pause it 1 time.  Ex. If they click pause, play, pause it will not pause after the first pause.  The snooze option lets you snooze a scan for a longer period of time.  It will restart after the snooze.  The 'allow snooze for 3 hours' options does exactly what you said.  So setting max snoozes to 3 and allow snooze for 3 hours will allow for a total of 9 hrs.  You can use both pause and snooze at the same time however there are not alot of practical reasons for using both.


  • 3.  RE: Difference between a pause and a snooze?

    Posted Apr 08, 2009 01:58 PM
    My take -

    Snooze it, don't start the scan until later. I am on batteries and can't afford the resources, to snooze it until I go to lunch, then scan from the beginning.

    Pause - the scan is started, but I need to pause it so I can finish this document, then it will resume EXACTLY where it left off earlier when I paused it. Sort of like pause on a DVD or VCR, it's started, but you want to go get popcorn, the resume it where you left off after you get back into your chair.

    IF Symantec has followed the strict definitions as used in other industry, that's how it should work.
    However, they may have had their own thoughts!

  • 4.  RE: Difference between a pause and a snooze?

    Posted Apr 08, 2009 04:19 PM
    Not checking "limit time the scan can be paused"  and checking the enable users to snooze a scan .

    A scan starts running.  Oh no I don't want it to run while I'm working, I will push the pause button.

    It pauses past the 3 hour snooze time.  Probably indefinitely.

    If snooze is something the user runs before a scan starts how do they know?  What alerts them that a scan is about to start?  Or are they expected to know when the scans are going to run?

    What is the interface the users interacts with to "Snooze"  a scan?  Does it look the same as the pause button on the Scan Progress bar?

    I want to give the user the ability to pause a scan ,that has started,  for a full shift or more and then have the scan pickup where it left off.   Not start all over from the beginning.

    It looks like the pause interval  is restricted on how high you can set it  (180 minutes)
    which is 3 hours.  Is this coincidence that the snooze has a button to allow a snooze for up to 3 hours with mutliple intervals?

    I'm beginning to think these two options work together.   Could it be that a pause is considered a 1 time event, manual if no expiration is set  and a snooze is if you want to utilize multiple iterations of expired pauses?

    I guess I'll have to do more testing.

  • 5.  RE: Difference between a pause and a snooze?

    Posted Apr 09, 2009 01:41 PM
    Here is what I see.

    Pause and Snooze both delay a scan that has already begun.  The button is the same, they do the same thing with a couple of differences.

    Pause without the time limitation is a manual pause and a manual resume.

    Pause with the time limitation is a manual pause, automatic resume.

    Snooze is a pause, but with either a 1 hour or 3 hour auto resume with a set number of times the scan can be paused after which it continues to scan like it or not.

    If you have the time limit set for pause, it overrides the time settings for snooze, but it seems to honor the maximum snooze opportunities.