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  • 1.  duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 24, 2014 02:05 AM

    As i have check on my AD Server. No duplication available but on Altiris Server it is of multiple duplicate entry.

    How can i delete the duplicate entries?

  • 2.  RE: duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 24, 2014 02:14 AM

    Why do I get duplicate computer names in the Altiris Database?


    Article:HOWTO3592  | Created: 2006-05-16  | Updated: 2006-05-23  | Article URL

    How to delete duplicate computer names within the eXpress database

    Check this Same thread


  • 3.  RE: duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 24, 2014 02:24 AM

    Check this thread

    Issues occur when using duplicate computer names and/or GUIDs


    Article:TECH209477  | Created: 2013-08-08  | Updated: 2013-10-07  | Article URL


    Why do I get duplicate computer names in the Altiris Database?


    Article:HOWTO3592  | Created: 2006-05-16  | Updated: 2006-05-23  | Article URL

  • 4.  RE: duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 25, 2014 12:55 PM

    One would think that a simple check would be in place before Altiris gives out a GUID.. it should check to see if it is in use.. if so give a different one out.. we run into shared guid's all the time...

    there is a script you can run to blacklist each guid in question then it gives out new ones...

    let me know if you need the sql for that and I will dig it up. I also have a report that emails us daily on duplicate guids

  • 5.  RE: duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 28, 2014 01:34 AM

    Yes you can share it.

  • 6.  RE: duplicate client entry

    Posted Jun 30, 2014 11:38 AM

    ok i cant find the article link.. i save my notes in one note and usually i let it keep the source page so i can reference it back.

    I attached the report in XML but here is the SQL code...



    declare @names int

    set @names = '%names%'


    declare @days int

    set @days = '%days%'


    select distinct a.ResourceGuid _ItemGuid, rk.KeyValue, left(dt1.Names,LEN(dt1.Names)-1) [Names AKA]

    from ResourceKey rk

         join ResourceKeyChanged a

               on rk.ResourceGuid = a.ResourceGuid

                          and rk.KeyName = a.KeyName

    join ResourceKeyChanged b

    on a.ResourceGuid=b.ResourceGuid

    and a.KeyName=b.KeyName 

    and left(a.KeyValue,charindex('.',a.KeyValue+'.')-1)<>left(b.KeyValue,charindex('.',b.KeyValue+'.')-1)

    cross apply


    select distinct top(@names) KeyValue + ', ' as [text()]

    from ResourceKeyChanged c

    where a.ResourceGuid = c.ResourceGuid

    and a.KeyName = c.KeyName        

                                                    and rk.KeyValue <> c.KeyValue                

    for xml path ('')

    ) dt1(Names)

    where a.KeyName = 'name.domain'

    and a.ChangeType = 'D'

    and b.ChangeType = 'I'

    and a.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, -@days, GETDATE())

    and b.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, -@days, GETDATE())













    This part is the sql code to get rid of the shared guid. it black lists both guids.. and then each come in and get a new guid...



    -- 1. Identify shared Guids in last 'N' days and insert them into the AgentBlacklist table.

    declare @days int

    set @days = -3;

    insert into AgentBlacklist (Guid, BlacklistDate) select distinct a.ResourceGuid, GETDATE() from ResourceKeyChanged a join ResourceKeyChanged b on a.ResourceGuid=b.ResourceGuid and a.KeyName=b.KeyName where a.KeyName = 'name.domain'

    and a.ChangeType = 'D'

    and b.ChangeType = 'I'

    and a.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, @days, GETDATE()) and b.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, @days, GETDATE()) and left(a.KeyValue,charindex('.',a.KeyValue+'.')-1)<>left(b.KeyValue,charindex('.',b.KeyValue+'.')-1)

    and a.ResourceGuid not in (select Guid from AgentBlacklist)

    -- 2. Delete Guids shared in last 'N' days from the ResourceKey table

    delete from ResourceKey where ResourceGuid in (select distinct a.ResourceGuid from ResourceKeyChanged a join ResourceKeyChanged b on a.ResourceGuid=b.ResourceGuid and a.KeyName=b.KeyName where a.KeyName = 'name.domain'

    and a.ChangeType = 'D'

    and b.ChangeType = 'I'

    and a.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, @days, GETDATE()) and b.ChangeTime >= DATEADD(DAY, @days, GETDATE()) and left(a.KeyValue,charindex('.',a.KeyValue+'.')-1)<>left(b.KeyValue,charindex('.',b.KeyValue+'.')-1)


    -- 3. Insert the blacklisted Guid to be deleted from the system to eliminate duplicate names

    insert into ItemToDelete (Guid, DeleteDate) select c.Guid, GETDATE() from vComputer c join AgentBlacklist b on b.Guid = c.Guid left join ItemToDelete d on d.Guid = b.Guid where d.Guid is null

  • 7.  RE: duplicate client entry
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 01, 2014 06:46 AM

    How would you check if a guid is in use if the machine last using it was switched off an hour ago?

    Why is immediate automatic merging a bad idea?

    What would happen to historical data if during imaging you changed computer name but we only matched hostname and not UUID or MAC?

    The product was always designed to accommodate the imaging process and also duplicate hostnames - which do occur, at literally any point where a human got involved.

    When a new client reports in he attempts to create a new resource (createresource.aspx), this gives the SMP a chance to match him up which he does - you can test this by reseting the guid and reporting get the same GUID. When a computer resource is detected by scan or import there is no matching, yet a nightly merge resolves this. If you full AD import every day just after the resource merge you will spend much of your time looking at duplicates - do a delta once a week, just before the nightly merge and you are golden.

    When there are duplicate hostnames out there, an Admin needs to know about it, merging previously was a manual task in NS 6.0, we looked down the list and made a choice. Now we have the nightly merging process which will get rid of the AD imports waiting to be merged automatically.

    The answer to the question really lies in understanding resource merging: and understanding what typically happens to computers in their lifecycle (imaging, changing names, changing domain) There is no simple solution for this, but the alternative is to expect humans not to make mistakes.

    However if you have virtual machines as part of your duplicates (which aren't computer resources) I'd urge you to log a ticket to get that looked at.

    If you found this helpful please mark as the solution.