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  • 1.  ExecuteProcess and Wait fatal exception

    Posted Jun 14, 2012 10:28 AM


    I was using "ExecuteProcess and Wait" to launch a SQLPLUS script from within my template on a remote computer (Putty + ssh + cmd line)

    but my job was aborting after 1min - 1min30.

    I replaced the Sql script by a simple Sleep increasing progessively the time and I obtained exactly the same result after the same time slice.

    My conclusion is that the Wait component is encountering after a while a timeout fatal exception.

    So I replaced this component with its nowait cosrespondant "ExecuteProcess", modifying slightly my logic and it woked.

    But it can be anyway interesting to use the Wait component.

    Question is: is there a way to increase this component internal timeout parameter ?

  • 2.  RE: ExecuteProcess and Wait fatal exception

    Posted Jun 14, 2012 10:44 AM

    This KB article (TECH179834) about the 'PauseExecution' component doesn't specifically mention the "ExecuteProcess and Wait" component, but the root cause is possibly the same issue that component is having. It looks like the default Keep-Alive value may need to be increased.