Patch Management Solution

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  • 1.  How can I see what is currently being deployed?

    Posted Jul 29, 2015 12:43 PM


    A situation arose where bandwidth to a site is down to a crawl and Atiris is the primary suspect (Patching & software deployment).  Where/how can I view what downloads/installations are currently in progress?  If "current" is not possible, is there a way to see what was recently deployed by computer name or subnet, and when, so I can guestimate what Altiris was doing during a certain timeframe?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    - Michael

  • 2.  RE: How can I see what is currently being deployed?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 29, 2015 02:03 PM


    Here is a sql report I wrote that might be helpful. Put the sql query in a report along with the parameters and it should give you what you are looking for.


     pc.[Associated Site]
     ,pc.[OS Name]
     ,pc.[IP Address]
     ,pc.[Last Basic Inventory]
     ,p.PackageName as [Package Name]
     ,p._eventTime as [Event Time]
      WHEN charindex('//', [URL]) > 0 THEN upper(substring(substring([URL],
      charindex('//', [URL]) + 2, len([URL]) - charindex('//', [URL]) - 1), 0,
      charindex('/', replace(substring([URL], charindex('//', [URL]) + 2,
      len([URL]) - charindex('//', [URL]) - 1), '.', '/'))))
      WHEN charindex('\\', [URL]) > 0 THEN upper(substring(substring([URL], charindex('\\',
      [URL]) + 2, len([URL]) - charindex('\\', [URL]) - 1), 0,
      charindex('\', replace(substring([URL],
      charindex('\\', [URL]) + 2, len([URL]) - charindex('\\', [URL]) - 1), '.', '\'))))
      WHEN charindex('Multicast download complete. Master: ', [URL]) > 0
      THEN upper(substring([URL], charindex('Multicast download complete. Master: ',
      [URL]) + 37, len([URL]) - charindex('Multicast download complete. Master: ',
      [URL]) - 36)) ELSE NULL
     END AS PackageDownloadSource
      WHEN charindex('http://', [URL]) > 0 THEN 'HTTP'
      WHEN charindex('https://', [URL]) > 0 THEN 'HTTPS'
      WHEN charindex('\\', [URL]) > 0 THEN 'UNC'
      WHEN charindex('Multicast', [URL]) > 0 THEN 'Multicast'
      ELSE ''
    from Evt_AeX_SWD_Package p
    join (
     select _ResourceGuid, MAX(_id)  as id from Evt_AeX_SWD_Package p
     where DATEDIFF(dd,p._eventTime,getdate()) <= '%Days%'
     group by _ResourceGuid
     ) i on = p._id
    join ( 
      ,c.Name as [Computer]
      ,c.[OS Name]
      ,c.[IP Address]
      ,i.Name [Subnet]
      ,bi.[Client Date] [Last Basic Inventory]
      ,isnull(s.Name,'No Site Assigned') as [Associated Site]
     from vComputer c
     join Inv_AeX_AC_Identification bi
      on bi._ResourceGuid = c.Guid
     join Inv_AeX_AC_TCPIP ip
      on ip._ResourceGuid = c.Guid
       and c.[IP Address] = ip.[IP Address] and c.[MAC Address] = ip.[MAC Address]
     join vSubnet sub
      on sub.Subnet = ip.Subnet
       and sub.[Subnet Mask] = ip.[Subnet Mask]
     join vItem i
      on i.Guid = sub.Guid
     left join vSiteSubnetMap sm
      on sm.SubnetGuid = sub.Guid
     left join vSite s
      on s.Guid = sm._ResourceGuid
     ) pc
     on pc.Guid = p._ResourceGuid
    -- package name filter
    (p.PackageName != 'Patch Windows System Assessment Scan Tool Package' and
    p.PackageName  like '%Package%' )
    -- site name filter
    and pc.[Associated Site] like '%Site%'
    order by pc.[Associated Site], pc.Subnet


  • 3.  RE: How can I see what is currently being deployed?

    Posted Jul 29, 2015 03:17 PM

    Much appreciated.  I'll give it a shot...