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Migration of Tickets from servicedesk 7.1.X to 7.5.X

  • 1.  Migration of Tickets from servicedesk 7.1.X to 7.5.X

    Posted Dec 17, 2014 12:38 PM

    Symantec have provided a SQL script to allow the migration of Closed tickets between 7.1.X and 7.5.x servicedesks.  This is in the following Symwise article:

    Migrate existing closed ServiceDesk 7.0 MR2, 7.1 SP1 & SP2 tickets to ServiceDesk 7.5

    We have recently carried out a migration of closed tickets and came across a couple of issues that I would like to highlight for your consideration when carrying out migrations.

    Migration of Open tickets as Closed.

    We had an issue where open tickets were being migrated as closed.  The following SQL within the script selects the incidents to be migrated based on the process ended date:

    insert into @Sessions
    (SessionID, ReportProcessID)
    select rp.SessionID, rp.ReportProcessID
    from [71_Mig].dbo.ReportProcess rp
    left join dbo._Migrated migrated
    where rp.ProcessEnded is not null and
    ((migrated.SessionID is null) or (migrated.SessionID is not null and migrated.Success = 0))
    order by migrated.Success desc, rp.ReportProcessID -- force failed to process 1st

    On investigation we found that some open tickets had a ProcessEnded date.  When exceptions occurred in the old incident management process the date of the exception was entered into the ReportProcess.ProcessEnded.  This caused these open tickets to be migrated across as closed.  As exceptions where thrown quite regularly in the old process we had several hundred tickets migrated like this.  This part of the script may need altering to a more suitable filter i.e. rp.result variable

    ​Unable to View the Migrated Ticket Data

    When the client tried to view the migrated incidents they complained that some of the data was not visible.  

    On investigation we discovered that this was down to the page being used to view the ticket.  In servicedesk 7.5 sp1 the service id of the process is used to determine which page is used to view the data.  Tickets from servicedesk 7.1.x are migrated with the old service id's i.e incidents have INCIDENT instead of INCIDENT-MGMT.  This causes the ticket to be opened in the default workflow process view page and not the specific process page view, resulting in some of the ticket information not being visible.

    To correct this we ran a SQL script to alter the service id of migrated incidents and the incident was viewed in the correct page.