Reporting Group

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  • 1.  Reporting help

    Posted Jul 27, 2015 03:44 PM

    Can someone help me with this default report called "Assets by Owner's with Details".  My boss would like this report to not show "retired" assets. 


    declare @AssetDeptOwner uniqueidentifier
    declare @AssetUserOwner uniqueidentifier
    declare @UserDept uniqueidentifier
    set @AssetDeptOwner = '1466e770-4413-4517-a89d-6599b8a7f144'
    set @AssetUserOwner = 'ed35a8d1-bf60-4771-9dde-092c146c485a'
    set @UserDept = 'd9656701-b8ee-48c1-a4e3-5741ca18471d'
    DECLARE @v1_TrusteeScope nvarchar(max)
    declare @Dept uniqueidentifier
    SET @v1_TrusteeScope = '%TrusteeScope%'
    set @Dept = '%Dept%'
    DECLARE @Culture nvarchar(10)
    SET @Culture = '%_culture%'
    select @Culture = ltrim(rtrim(Culture)) from fnGetBaseCultures(@Culture) where Priority = 3
    declare @active uniqueidentifier
    set @active = '0A0203A5-D2B6-49F1-A53B-5EC31A89437C'
    DECLARE @activestr nvarchar(200)
    select @activestr = Name from vResourceName where ResourceGuid = @active and Culture = @Culture
    if(@activestr is null or @activestr = '')
     select @activestr = Name from vResourceName where ResourceGuid = @active and Culture = ''
    select distinct
     _ResourceGuid _ItemGuid,
     vU.[Name] [Owner],
     isnull(vUD.[Name], vD.[Name]) [Department],
     scAssetType.[String] as [Asset Type],
     isnull(scAssetStatus.[String], @activestr) as [Status],
     [Serial Number],
     [System Number],
     [Last Barcode Scan]
     vAsset va
     join vRM_Asset_Item vi on va._ResourceGuid = vi.Guid
     outer apply
     select top 1 String from StringCache
     where BaseGuid = va._ResourceTypeGuid and Culture = @Culture and StringRef = ''
    ) scAssetType
    outer apply
     select top 1 String from StringCache
     where BaseGuid = va._AssetStatusGuid and Culture = @Culture and StringRef = ''
    ) scAssetStatus
     left join ResourceAssociation ownDept on va._ResourceGuid = ownDept.ParentResourceGuid and ownDept.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = @AssetDeptOwner
     left join ResourceAssociation ownUser on va._ResourceGuid = ownUser.ParentResourceGuid and ownUser.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = @AssetUserOwner
     left join ResourceAssociation usrDept on ownUser.ChildResourceGuid = usrDept.ParentResourceGuid and usrDept.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = @UserDept
     left join vRM_Department_Item vUD on usrDept.ChildResourceGuid = vUD.Guid
     left join vRM_User_Item vU on ownUser.ChildResourceGuid = vU.Guid
     left join vRM_Department_Item vD on ownDept.ChildResourceGuid = vD.Guid
     vi.Guid in (select ResourceGuid from ScopeMembership where ScopeCollectionGuid in (select ScopeCollectionGuid from dbo.fnGetTrusteeScopeCollections(@v1_TrusteeScope)))
     and ((usrDept.ChildResourceGuid = @Dept) or (ownDept.ChildResourceGuid = @Dept) or (@Dept = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'))
    order by


  • 2.  RE: Reporting help

    Posted Jul 28, 2015 03:26 AM

    You can see the Asset Statuses in vRM_Fixed_Asset_Status_Resource_Type_Item

    You can use the Resource Association of 'Asset's Status' [3028166f-c0d6-41d8-9cb7-f64852e0fd01] to show this.

      vai.Name AS [AssetName],  
      fasri.Name AS [Status] 
    FROM ResourceAssociation ra 
      INNER JOIN vRM_Asset_Item vai ON ra.[ParentResourceGuid] = vai.[Guid]  
      INNER JOIN vRM_Fixed_Asset_Status_Resource_Type_Item fasri 
      ON ra.[ChildResourceGuid] = fasri.[Guid] AND (ra.[ResourceAssociationTypeGuid] = '3028166f-c0d6-41d8-9cb7-f64852e0fd01')  

    You could then filter on the Statuses you want to see.

  • 3.  RE: Reporting help

    Posted Aug 10, 2015 02:55 PM

    As a side note the Asset status may not exist for all assets and would be considered Active.  You may need a left join to ensure all assets are returned.