Services not restarting with error code 1060
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Services not restarting with error code 1060


Article ID: 152974


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IT Management Suite


Monitor policies with an associated task fail to run the task with error 1060

Task history shows error 1060

Windows Application logs may (or may not) show messages about the Metric Provider changing from uninitialized to retry states


ITMS 8.x


The service you are monitoring has a special character in it.


  • Use a WMI metric instead of the Windows Service metric.  As an example:
    • Namespace = "root\cimv2"
    • Class name = "Win32_Service"
    • Counter = "State"
    • Instance = "Name="<service>""
    • In the evaluation window make sure you set the 'Value': 0=stopped, 1=running
  • Also use a Run Script task instead of a Control Service State task
    • If you are using the task to restart the service, you can use the script
      "net start "<serviceName>" "
       Note: Make sure you add the quotes to the service name