Inventory Reports Incomplete Serial Numbers for Acer and Dell Monitors
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Inventory Reports Incomplete Serial Numbers for Acer and Dell Monitors


Article ID: 156754


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IT Management Suite Inventory Solution Inventory Solution for Mac


Inventory Agent reports incomplete or incorrect serial numbers for Acer and Dell Monitors . For example serial numbers that should be 25 characters long are reported with only the first 12 characters.


The Inventory Agent is working as designed and the problem lies in the Windows registry. Hardware Inventory tasks or policies cannot collect the complete serial number the registry keys do not store complete serial numbers when they are too large.This situation can be confirmed by decoding the EDID registry keys for each monitor under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Display. Free EDID reading software can be found on the internet.


 To be addressed by Monitor manufacturer, possibly a driver issue.

Applies To

 Windows Server 2003/NS 6.1 SP3