RAAD - Remote Symantec Management Agent Diagnostics 7.6.1400 and later
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RAAD - Remote Symantec Management Agent Diagnostics 7.6.1400 and later


Article ID: 172007


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IT Management Suite


RAAD (Remote Symantec Management Agent Diagnostics) 7.6.1400 is a standalone Microsoft Windows application that lets you remotely perform diagnostics of client computers, that have SMA (Symantec Management Agent) installed.


RAAD tool has been provided as a complementary tool for customers way back with our earlier versions. This tool was last updated with our ITMS 7.6 release and it was the last time that our Dev team had added any type of fixes or changes to it. RAAD tool is in EOL state for a long time already (approx. 3-4+ years. The last version that had any updates was 7.6.1400 when ITMS 7.6 was released. This tool has been provided "As-Is" software since then). We are not supporting it with any fixes since then.
The latest RAAD version (7.6.1400) might work with our ITMS 8.6 release but our Dev team hasn't tested it and has no plans to do so. 


ITMS 7.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7


What’s new in RAAD Ver. 7.6.1400.

1.       Overall improvement of performance.

Prerequisites and using:

Please refer to the attached RAAD 7.6.1400 User Guide.pdf

This version of RAAD cannot be used on client computer below 7.5.

RAAD 7.6.1400 lets you manage client computers that have ITMS 7.5, 7.5 SP1, 7.6, 8.0, 8.1, 8.5, 8.6, and 8.7

RAAD tool validation testing with ITMS 8.5 has completed with no issues found.

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed errors generated by "Basic Health Check" with 8.0 SMA Agents.

  • Fixed issues related to not showing the "Task History" on 8.0 SMA agents.

  • Fixed issue related to Patch Health check panel containing confusing data not related to Patch.

  • Fixed issues when RAAD does not show the actual status of "Software Update".

  • Fixed issues with Task entries were sorted incorrectly.

  • Fixed issues related to redirecting SMA Agent when using command line.

Known Issue:

  • None.


RAAD_7_6_1400.zip get_app
RAAD_7.6.1400_UserGuide.pdf get_app