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Inventory Solution Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks 9 - Targetting and Considerations 

Dec 06, 2018 11:42 AM

Applies To / Compliance

By default every Inventory Policy, including new ones created, are targeted to the filter: Computers with Inventory Plug-in. The default filter cannot be edited, so it should be removed and a new one added if you wish to change what systems are targeted. This is useful if you are targetting different groups of systems to keep the amount of systems sending inventory in at any given time throttled or limited.


One useful view is to see how the breakdown is for the Policy per Computer.


In one way this section can be useful is if multiple policies are being created to target different groups of systems. In very large environments this can be done in conjunction with the Throttle Inventory scan setting in order to control how much inventory arrives at any given time. The grouping can be done via OU from an Active Directory Import, or any other designation in individual filters. The key is to schedule different times for identical policies to make the division useful.


Gather Inventory Task

When using a Gather Inventory Task, the Inventory Types and Advanced Options are exactly the same as a policy. The scheduling and applies to sections, however, are different and combined in one place. After Inventory is configured properly, use the Task Status section to schedule or immediately run Inventory. When clicking a New Schedule, you’ll get options for when to run it, and on what computers to run it on.


While the interface is different than in the Policy, the main elements are the same. Note that there is not advanced options here, so not all scheduling options will be available in the task. If you need the additional functionality, use a Policy and not a Task.


Override Maintenance Windows should be checked if maintenance windows are in effect. This will ensure inventory will be captured regardless of what restrictions may apply to the target systems. Unlike Policies, clients who are not connected to the Notification Server to get the task may not run it after the server officially expires the task. Since the task is pushed down through the Task Server, it needs to be online to run it.


Computers or filters can be added to the task via the typical targeting Task interface.


One main point to consider when deciding whether to use a Task or a Policy is to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the Inventory needed immediately or can it be collected over time? - Immediately: Task, Over time: Policy
  2. Do I need Inventory to run even if the system is not currently on the network? - Policy only
  3. Are all systems I need to target now currently online? No: Policy, Yes: Task.


Inventory Execution Considerations

To consolidate what has been discussed in the previous sections, this list can be used as a checklist on what to take under consideration when setting up your Inventory Policies:

  • Resource Utilization – on local systems, on the network, on the Notification Server, and remote file shares
  • Randomization of Execution – To alleviate Resource Utilization, the Throttle Inventory Scan setting can be used, and multiple policies with target systems split up between them can be used
    • Delta Inventory versus Full – To avoid stale or out-of-sync inventory, be sure to run Full Inventory often enough
  • Exclusions versus Inclusions – Remember exclusions override inclusions
  • Frequency of Inventory – Balance resource utilization and need for up-to-date inventory in how frequently you schedule policies
  • Simultaneous Executions – Avoid scheduling two policies for the same day on target systems

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