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The Cyber Trident 

Mar 04, 2015 06:38 AM

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Your Cyber Trident 

If you could only do three things for better cyber resilience, what would they be? You are faced with many questions to answer and they are coming in fast!

 - Are we sure we are safe from cyber threats?

 - Do we know if someone is targeting us?

 - Do our users know the right things to do to keep us safe and when to flag a potential incident?

 - Do we have enough visibility across the estates to detect an attack?

 - How do we know our partner ecosystem does not leave us vulnerable?

 - Are we confident we can respond if we are hit by a significant cyber attack?

These types of questions are being asked by the board. Fundamentally, they want to know what you are going to do to ensure the business is safe and how you will maintain a high level of cyber resilience going forward? Of course, these are tough questions. Particularly when budgets are not growing at the same rate as the growing number of questions and you are still struggling to find and recruit the full contingent of security operations and response teams.

What can you effectively do to really start to build towards being cyber resilient? What three things will become your cyber trident?

The choices are diverse and all have value, but which three are the best ones for you? You could look to focus your efforts on better business engagement, aligning your security and IT strategy more closely to the business goals. You might look to the users, driving a company wide but targeted campaign of cyber awareness, hopefully leading to a more cyber aware company culture. Or look at technology – is that the answer? Implementing environment wide threat monitoring and analytic solutions or the best of breed next generation advanced threat protection. Maybe a focus on better intelligence and sharing partnership are what you need to do? Perhaps it is a better response that you need – building a robust and well-tested cyber response plan that you have really exercised and demonstrated readiness. Alternatively, is cyber insurance the way to go?

All choices have value but what are the best three for you – come to our executive event on 16th April at the W-hotel, London to discuss and find out more about what your cyber trident could be?

As a trusted partner, we can help you build a resilient business and find the right answers to define your cyber weaponry. Through our vast customer experience in many regions and segments, we know that to form your own cyber trident it is best developed based on your business model, current level of security maturity and business appetite to risk. You’ll also hear from Deloitte, our customers and guest speaker Chris Ulliott, Technical Director and Chief Security Architect at CESG (the information security arm of GCHQ).

To register and find out more.

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