Asset Management Suite

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  • 1.  Customizing Reports

    Posted May 27, 2009 12:49 PM


    I need to add additional filters based on user defined fields to this report. I am a newbie to this and know only basic SQL.  Can someone guide me on how to accomplish this?  Here is the Level 0 query so far:

    --remove rowcount contraints as this will limit result sets - default for reporting is 50000

    select distinct
    va.[_ResourceGuid] [_ResourceGuid],

    dbo.fnLocalizeStringByGuid('',va._ResourceTypeGuid, '%_culture%') [Asset Type],
    --va.[Asset Type] [Asset Type],
    vri.[Name] [Name],

    dbo.fnLocalizeStringByGuid('',va._AssetStatusGuid, '%_culture%') [Status],
    --va.[Status] [Status],
    htDep.Name [Department],
    htLoc.Name [Location],
    va.[Serial Number] [Serial Number],
    va.[System Number]
    vAsset va
    join %SecurityFilterParameter% vri
    on vri._ResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid
    join ResourceTypeHierarchy rth
    on (rth.ResourceTypeGuid = va._ResourceTypeGuid)
    left join ResourceAssociation raAU
    on (raAU.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'ED35A8D1-BF60-4771-9DDE-092C146C485A') -- Asset:User ResourceAssociationType
    and (raAU.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid)
    left join ResourceAssociation raUD
    on (raUD.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'D9656701-B8EE-48C1-A4E3-5741CA18471D') -- User:Department ResourceAssociationType
    and (raUD.ParentResourceGuid = raAU.ChildResourceGuid)
    left join fnAssetHierarchyTreeExcludeChildren
    '857B18CD-2603-4AC5-B8CC-B116BAE5BBBE', -- Department ResourceType
    ) htDep
    on (htDep.Guid = raUD.ChildResourceGuid)
    and ((htDep.Guid <> 0x0) or ('%Department%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    left join ResourceAssociation raAL
    on (raAL.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '05DE450F-39EA-4AAE-8C5F-77817889C27C') -- Asset:Location ResourceAssociationType
    and (raAL.ParentResourceGuid = va._ResourceGuid)
    left join fnAssetHierarchyTreeExcludeChildren
    '834BC951-D70F-48F4-9E8E-D7E32C68788D', -- Location ResourceType
    ) htLoc
    on (htLoc.Guid = raAL.ChildResourceGuid)
    and ((htLoc.Guid <> 0x0) or ('%Location%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    where (1=1)
    --// filter by Type //--
    and ((rth.BaseResourceTypeGuid = '%Type%') or ('%Type%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    --// filter by AssetStatus //--
    and ((va._AssetStatusGuid = '%Status%') or ('%Status%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    --// filter by Department and IncludeAllDep //--
    and ((htDep.Guid = '%Department%') or ('%Department%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)) or (%IncludeAllDep% = 1))
    and ((htDep.Guid <> 0x0) or ('%Department%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    --// filter by Location and IncludeAllLoc //--
    and ((htLoc.Guid = '%Location%') or ('%Location%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)) or (%IncludeAllLoc% = 1))
    and ((htLoc.Guid <> 0x0) or ('%Location%' = cast(0x0 as uniqueidentifier)))
    order by [Asset Type], [Name]

  • 2.  RE: Customizing Reports

    Posted Jun 30, 2009 05:25 PM
    I'd be happy to help you out with your SQL if you can tell me exactly what you want the report to do.  I notice that some of your stuff above could be done a little more cleanly (no offense intended) and with some of it, it is hard to discern what you are trying to get back.

    If you could give me a list of value you are looking to return, and what input you want the user to be able to give, I can give you a hand.

    Just let me know.