Endpoint Protection

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  • 1.  Migration SEPM

    Posted Jul 10, 2017 05:18 AM


    Suite a des erreurs sur le système de notre serveur (SEPM) actuelle, nous somme obliger de le remplacer par un autre serveur, toutefois nous avons quelque question a se sujet :

    1 : La langue de l'OS a t'elle un impacte sur le bon fonctionnent du manager (OS Serveur en anglais et SEPM Français) ?

    2 : L'OS du manager doit'il être identique a celui de l'OS de la base de donner (SQL) ?

    3 : Si on change la langue de notre SEPM cela a t'il un impacte sur le disaster recovery ?

    4 : Quel est le meilleur moyen de procéder a ce changement Merci pour votre collaboration habituelle et restant disponible pour tout complément d'information ?

    5 : Je souhaite changer la langue de mon manager est ce que cela a un imapcte sur les client qui sont déja conncter a ce manager. ce changment doit il etre fait aussi sur la BD SQL ?

    Merci pour votre aide


  • 2.  RE: Migration SEPM

    Posted Jul 10, 2017 05:50 AM

    Hi Please find answers to your question below.



    Following errors on our current server system (SEPM), we are forced to replace it with another server, however we have some question about it:

    1: Does the language of the OS have an impact on the good functioning of the manager (OS Server English and SEPM French)?

    No SEPM language is independent of the server OS so no impact


    2: Does the manager's OS have to be identical to the OS of the database (SQL)?

    No you can run you manager on any supported windows server OS while the SQL version should also be a supported versions and to SEPM it doesn't matter if your SQL is sitting on top of windows 2008 or windows 2016 as longs the OS supports the SQL and SQL is a supported version of SEPM.


    3: If we change the language of our SEPM does it have an impact on the disaster recovery?

    No if you are going to use the same language that was previous used. 


    4: What is the best way to make this change Thanks for your usual collaboration and remaining available for any further information?







    5: I want to change the language of my manager is what this has an imapcte on the clients who are already know this manager. This change must be done also on the SQL database?

    client wouldn't have any impact as the language is for our interaction and the I have seen non English clients communicate with English SEPM just fine.