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Retiring Software Licenses OR Deleting Purchases....

  • 1.  Retiring Software Licenses OR Deleting Purchases....

    Posted Apr 22, 2018 11:07 PM

    G'day all, I have a client who has a very complex business, and they need to be able to:


    a) retire software licenses when a business unit leaves or is sold and the licenses go with the business 


    b) move the licenses to a new cost centre when a business unit leaves or is sold and the licenses stay with the parent company


    Either of these scenarios are equally likely, and happen a few times a month. option B is easy to deal with, and that is what they are doing now.

    It's option A that is giving me a little greif.

    My thoughts are to have the licenses purely owned by a location / Cost centre, and when that location or cost centre is Retired the admin has two options.

    They can manually reallocate the licenses to an archive location / cost centre (i.e. put ZZ_ in front) - but this leaves the licenses 'in the pool' from a comliance perspective.
    OR they can delete the license purchases to remove them from compliance reporting, but then they lose the history . . .

    Has anyone dealt with a situation like this?
