Symantec Management Platform (Notification Server)

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  • 1.  Script to install Oracle Client 11g executes if ran manually but not if deployed via Altiris

    Posted Jun 10, 2014 12:41 PM


    I've been working on scripting for a while but I'm by no means an expert. I have two scripts for the same task which both work fine once executed elevated or once I agree to run it elavated if prompted but fail when installed via Altiris. I have verified the packages on the local drive that the files are present, and they are. I have executed both of my scripts from the folders that Altiris has copied to the local machine. Case in point: C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{20B3301D-3D89-4F0C-995B-F734ADB9805D}\cache\client

    Any and all help would be greatly appriciated!!!!!

    I have tried following:

    • Quick Delivery Task (it fails when I run the VBScript without any prompts or errors and when I run the batch script, the command prompt blinks but that is it~ I'm sure it's the access denied error)
    • Managed Software Delivery:
    1. Tested on devices in domain for the options needed and on freshly imaged devices.
    2. Ran the batch file as local admin (I used .\ for the domain since I had to have something in it)
    3. Ran the batch file as currently logged in user ( I was logged in as admin)
    4. Ran the batch file as forest admin (Service account for Altiris)
    5. Ran all of those previous options for the vbs file as well with same results
    6. Ran the modified batch file provided by Symantec forums as troubleshooting workaround for the Oracle installer bug found in 11g found here: (This script didn't work either way)

    Here are all scripts currently available within the package:

    • Batch file: 

      @echo off
      cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{20B3301D-3D89-4F0C-995B-F734ADB9805D}\cache\client\setup" -silent -NoConsole -responseFile "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{20B3301D-3D89-4F0C-995B-F734ADB9805D}\cache\client\response\1st.rsp"


    • Modified VBS Script provided by Symantec forums: 

      'vbscript - Install Oracle Client 9i. Wait for spawned java.exe process to finish before exiting.
      Option Explicit
      Dim sComputer
      Dim WshShell, objExecute

      Dim objWMIService, colProcesses
      Dim colServiceList, objService

      Dim sOraPath, sClientPath, sRSPFile, strOptions

      ' *** NOTE: ***
      '     Change sOraPath to the location of your network copy of the Oracle installation.
      '     The sOraPath folder should contain setup.exe as well as the install and response folders.

      sOraPath = "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{20B3301D-3D89-4F0C-995B-F734ADB9805D}\cache\client\"

      '     Also change sClientPath if needed. Default Oracle 9i Home will be C:\oracle\product\9.2.0\client\"
      sClientPath = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1"

      ' *************
      Dim OSList, OS, UAC
      UAC = False
      If WScript.Arguments.Count >= 1 Then
          If WScript.Arguments.Item(0) = "elevated" Then UAC = True
      End If

      If Not(UAC) Then
          Set OSList = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
          For Each OS In OSList
              If InStr(1, OS.Caption, "XP") = 0 Then
                  CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """ elevated" , "", "runas", 1
              End If
      End If

      sComputer = "."
      sRSPFile = "response\1st.rsp"

      Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

      Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
      & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputer & "\root\cimv2")

      'Install Oracle Database
      strOptions = "ORACLE_HOME=" & sClientPath
      strOptions = strOptions & " " & "ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraHome"

      Set objExecute = WshShell.Exec(Chr(34) & sOraPath & "setup" & _
       Chr(34) & " -NoConsole -waitforcompletion -force -silent " & strOptions & _
       " -responseFile " & Chr(34) & sOraPath & sRSPFile & Chr(34))

      Wscript.sleep 60000 'Wait for 1 minute before checking if installation subprocess is still busy

      Do While CheckProcess("javaw.exe") = True Or CheckProcess("setup.exe") = True

        WScript.Sleep 500


      Set objWMIService = Nothing


      Function CheckProcess(pProcess)

      Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
      ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & pProcess & "'")

      If colProcesses.Count = 0 Then
        'process is not running.
        CheckProcess = False
        'process is not running.
        CheckProcess = True
      End If

      end Function

    • Modified batch file provided by Symantec: 

      FOR /f "tokens=1,2 delims===" %%G IN ('set AeX_{A4597EF2-B2F1-4954-A2FF-A65C393439AF}') DO set %%G=

      start /wait setup.exe -silent -nowelcome -nowait -noconfig  -responseFile "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{20B3301D-3D89-4F0C-995B-F734ADB9805D}\cache\client\response\1st.rsp"

    Here is the log info from the local agent:

    Jun 10 04:20:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:20:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Checking updates] to [Ready]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() No software updates require installation     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Ready] to [Checking updates]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() It is time to apply updates     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:20:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    OnScheduleDue fired: {A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA} - Software Update Application Task     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Next event expected at 2014-06-10 04:30:00 -12:00, wakeup in 9 minutes and 59 seconds    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #8 thread 0x4C8 beginning    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:20:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Schedule Software Update Application Task ({A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA}) triggered at 2014-06-10 04:20:00 -12:00    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:15:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:15:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:15:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #7 thread 0xA50 ending, exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:15:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:10:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Checking updates] to [Ready]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() No software updates require installation     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Ready] to [Checking updates]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() It is time to apply updates     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:10:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    OnScheduleDue fired: {A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA} - Software Update Application Task     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Next event expected at 2014-06-10 04:20:00 -12:00, wakeup in 9 minutes and 59 seconds    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #7 thread 0xA50 beginning    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:10:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Schedule Software Update Application Task ({A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA}) triggered at 2014-06-10 04:10:00 -12:00    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:05:01    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #6 thread 0xCAC ending, exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:05:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:05:01 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:05:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:26    SimpleThread    smfagent.dll    SWD Program Execution Thread thread 0x5CC ending, exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:26    ProgramExec    smfagent.dll    Program 'Windows System Assessment Scan' completed. Exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:26.3010000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Deinitializing environment...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:26.3010000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Patch assessment done.    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:26.1450000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Sending assessment inventory...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:26.0820000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Filtering assessment results...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:25.9890000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Parsing assessment results...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:25.4270000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Loading Patch catalog file...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.2160000 -12:00    Application::WaitForSystemPrerequisites    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Waiting for 'LanmanWorkstation' service...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.2160000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Launching assessment engine...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.2160000 -12:00    Application::RunProcess    AexPatchAssessment.exe      Finished with result=0.    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.1380000 -12:00    Application::RunProcess    AexPatchAssessment.exe      Waiting for completion...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    Application::RunProcess    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Launching '"c:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{6D417916-467C-46A7-A870-6D86D9345B61}\cache\STPatchAssessmentSrv.exe" /RegServer'...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Registering assessment engine COM...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    The mutex has been obtained.    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Obtaning single instance mutex...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Parsing command line parameters...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    06/10/2014 04:00:01.0910000 -12:00    BaseApplication::Run    AexPatchAssessment.exe    Initializing environment...    AexPatchAssessment.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:00:01 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Checking updates] to [Ready]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() No software updates require installation     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Ready] to [Checking updates]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() It is time to apply updates     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:00:01 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    OnScheduleDue fired: {A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA} - Software Update Application Task     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #6 thread 0xCAC beginning    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Next event expected at 2014-06-10 04:10:00 -12:00, wakeup in 9 minutes and 58 seconds    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:01    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Schedule Software Update Application Task ({A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA}) triggered at 2014-06-10 04:00:01 -12:00    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:00    ProgramExec    smfagent.dll    Starting SWD task: 'Windows System Assessment Scan' command line='"c:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\{6D417916-467C-46A7-A870-6D86D9345B61}\cache\AexPatchAssessment.exe" -diff'    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:00    SimpleThread    smfagent.dll    SWD Program Execution Thread thread 0x5CC beginning    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:00    CAeXTaskProcessor::ExecuteHandler    AeXTaskSchedulerLib.dll    Executing due task {847E9287-447D-4B8E-8811-5D24C4E09E09} at 04:00:00 on 10/06/2014
    Jun 10 04:00:00    SWDAgent    smfagent.dll    Add SWD task Windows System Assessment Scan {1CFEC044-FFF0-40D4-A2FA-F312774116B4} to run queue    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:00    CAeXTaskSchedulerThread::ExecuteDueTasks    AeXTaskSchedulerLib.dll    Queueing task {847E9287-447D-4B8E-8811-5D24C4E09E09} for execution at 04:00:00 on 10/06/2014 Next Run 6/10/2014 4:00:00 AM Now 6/10/2014 4:00:00 AM
    Jun 10 04:00:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 04:00:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 04:00:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:59:59    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Next event expected at 2014-06-10 04:00:00 -12:00, wakeup in 1 second    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:55:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 03:55:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:55:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #5 thread 0x694 ending, exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:55:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 03:50:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Checking updates] to [Ready]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() No software updates require installation     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    Changing state from [Ready] to [Checking updates]    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    stateChangeEvent() It is time to apply updates     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 03:50:00 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SoftwareUpdateAgent    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    OnScheduleDue fired: {A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA} - Software Update Application Task     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Next event expected at 2014-06-10 04:00:00 -12:00, wakeup in 9 minutes and 59 seconds    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #5 thread 0x694 beginning    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:50:00    ScheduleEngine    AgentScheduler.dll    Schedule Software Update Application Task ({A1939DC8-DA4A-4E46-9629-0500C2383ECA}) triggered at 2014-06-10 03:50:00 -12:00    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:49:22    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CWin32CTServerDirectConnection::Disconnect()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:49:22    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CWin32CTServerDirectConnection::Connect(): Tickle connection to server    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:48:22    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CWin32CTServerDirectConnection.OnExecute():  Lost connection.  Waiting 1 minute to retry    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:45:05    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 03:45:05 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:45:05    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:45:00    SimpleThread    AgentScheduler.dll    AgentScheduler: Thread #4 thread 0xEF0 ending, exit code=0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:16    ServerSettings    AeXNSAgent.exe    Next policy request from server will be at 2014-06-10 04:40:16, in 60 minutes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:11    ServerSettings    AeXNSAgent.exe    Next basic inventory update will be sent to server at 2014-06-11 03:40:11, in 1440 minutes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:11    ConfigServer    AeXNSAgent.exe    Basic inventory update has been sent    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CSMFAgentPolicyManager    smfagent.dll    Setting wakeup time to 145190000 ms (6/11/2014 8:00:00 PM) for policy: Rainmeter policy- all workstations    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Hardware based applications({FE031929-2657-48BC-A538-A4C7BF6B4342}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Windows 7 tracking TSI({D70FD8D2-77FC-4A5C-A394-9F3B8C2B09C2}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Rainmeter policy- all workstations({C1238F59-3DB1-4BE1-8287-7CC30D6B257B}) due at: 6/11/2014 8:00:00 PM    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {FE031929-2657-48BC-A538-A4C7BF6B4342} for job index 0 is due: 0     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {D70FD8D2-77FC-4A5C-A394-9F3B8C2B09C2} for job index 0 is due: 0     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {C1238F59-3DB1-4BE1-8287-7CC30D6B257B} for job index 0 is due: 0     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 0 is due: 0     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Detection check for Oracle Client 11g  has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for ed27f4f0-34dc-47e1-b2bd-bd1e90f4097b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    SMFAgent_Agent::OnDue    smfagent.dll    Logon or startup event occurred.  Check scheduled policies to see if we need to wake up.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 0 is due: 0     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:10    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Last task failed, aborting job based on policy setting until next scheduled compliance check.  Task trigger: ed27f4f0-34dc-47e1-b2bd-bd1e90f4097b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    SMFAgent_Agent    smfagent.dll    Send policy status to server. Policy Guid {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}, policy status 0    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:false. InProgress:false, Name:Execute install command for Oracle Client 11g, instance:ed27f4f0-34dc-47e1-b2bd-bd1e90f4097b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    BasicInventory    AeXBasicInventory.dll    Error while gathering AD distinguished name: Error connecting to AD object LDAP://RootDSE: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. (-2147023541)    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    ProgramExec    smfagent.dll    Failed to launch SWD task 'Oracle Client 11g  - Oracle Client 11g' with command line 'CMD.EXE /c "install11g.bat"': Unable to add run as account to admin group A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist. (1387)    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    SWDAgent    smfagent.dll    Windows Installer is not busy - proceeding with installation.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    SWDAgent    smfagent.dll    Checking if the Windows Installer is busy    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:09    SWDAgent    smfagent.dll    Add SWD task Oracle Client 11g  - Oracle Client 11g {FF318C2D-B0B8-44A6-BC65-64AE041E0C27} to run queue    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    SoftwareExecution_Task:RunDetectionCheck    smfagent.dll    Software execution detection check returned 'proceed with execution' (0 (Evaluated) = 0 (Expected)).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Inventory rule task completed, result = false    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Unable to find any installed component key in SMF cache.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |INSTALL.BAT|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Execute install command for Oracle Client 11g  has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngineBase::ProcessTaskStatus: Task [790ce80e-23a1-4536-9d0a-a68ec073c790] does not require status to be returned, skipping.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for 790ce80e-23a1-4536-9d0a-a68ec073c790    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:08    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Execute install command for Oracle Client 11g  has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskAgentBase::MergeParamLists()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::RunJobQueue()    smfagent.dll    Adding next task from policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) to job queue.  Task trigger: 244acc0d-cfca-4637-8855-4010adb0df93    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 9 is due: 1     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:true. InProgress:false, Name:Detection check for Oracle Client 11g, instance:790ce80e-23a1-4536-9d0a-a68ec073c790    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Inventory rule task completed, result = false    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Unable to find any installed component key in SMF cache.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: ORACLE|ORACLE CLIENT 11G |11    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |SETUP.EXE|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |ORACLE9IINSTALL.VBS|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |ORACLE11INSTALL.VBS|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |INSTALL11G.BAT|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Hardware based applications({FE031929-2657-48BC-A538-A4C7BF6B4342}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Windows 7 tracking TSI({D70FD8D2-77FC-4A5C-A394-9F3B8C2B09C2}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |INSTALL.BAT|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Detection check for Oracle Client 11g  has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngineBase::ProcessTaskStatus: Task [34ad431a-5710-44b5-b09f-9bb93ffc243b] does not require status to be returned, skipping.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for 34ad431a-5710-44b5-b09f-9bb93ffc243b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Rainmeter policy- all workstations({C1238F59-3DB1-4BE1-8287-7CC30D6B257B}) due at: 6/11/2014 8:00:00 PM    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:07    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Detection check for Oracle Client 11g  has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskAgentBase::MergeParamLists()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    CDeliveryPolicy::RunJobQueue()    smfagent.dll    Adding next task from policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) to job queue.  Task trigger: 7c431881-ee09-480c-a650-3e7312e5b5cb    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 7 is due: 1     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:true. InProgress:false, Name:Download package for Oracle Client 11g, instance:34ad431a-5710-44b5-b09f-9bb93ffc243b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Download package for Oracle Client 11g  has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngineBase::ProcessTaskStatus: Task [21022512-166e-476f-9fcb-16ab1f12a790] does not require status to be returned, skipping.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for 21022512-166e-476f-9fcb-16ab1f12a790    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:06    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Download package for Oracle Client 11g  has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskAgentBase::MergeParamLists()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    CDeliveryPolicy::RunJobQueue()    smfagent.dll    Adding next task from policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) to job queue.  Task trigger: 8bbb753f-0dca-4207-b027-29b422c37f7a    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 6 is due: 1     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:true. InProgress:false, Name:Download package for Oracle Client 11g, instance:21022512-166e-476f-9fcb-16ab1f12a790    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    okayToDoMaintenance() - 2014-06-10 03:40:05 -12:00 yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:05    MaintenanceWindowMgr    PatchMgmtAgents.dll    isAbidingByMaintenanceWindows() - yes    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:04    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Download package for Oracle Client 11g  has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:04    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngineBase::ProcessTaskStatus: Task [c26aac8f-b237-4d84-adc1-a91f09fd243b] does not require status to be returned, skipping.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:04    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for c26aac8f-b237-4d84-adc1-a91f09fd243b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:04    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Download package for Oracle Client 11g  has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskAgentBase::MergeParamLists()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    CDeliveryPolicy::RunJobQueue()    smfagent.dll    Adding next task from policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) to job queue.  Task trigger: 8bbb753f-0dca-4207-b027-29b422c37f7a    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 4 is due: 1     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:true. InProgress:false, Name:Testing - Oracle 11g client _DefaultPolicy, instance:c26aac8f-b237-4d84-adc1-a91f09fd243b    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    SetupDefaultPolicy_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Task completed, result = true    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CClientTaskStatusCollector::Task: Testing - Oracle 11g client _DefaultPolicy has finished    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngineBase::ProcessTaskStatus: Task [e03131ea-6895-4540-afa3-c9ed5726add4] does not require status to be returned, skipping.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    SetupDefaultPolicy_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Creating default policy from abstract    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskStatusEngine::OnTaskFinished(): Got status for e03131ea-6895-4540-afa3-c9ed5726add4    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:03    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Testing - Oracle 11g client _DefaultPolicy has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    CTaskAgentBase::MergeParamLists()    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    CDeliveryPolicy::RunJobQueue()    smfagent.dll    Adding next task from policy Testing - Oracle 11g client({1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE}) to job queue.  Task trigger: ffcb7d91-c708-4908-a479-719e3725564c    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    CDeliveryPolicy::IsWakeupDue()    smfagent.dll    Checked if policy {1D55B91E-7826-4524-BC05-1FF1E2ECCEFE} for job index 2 is due: 1     AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    CDeliveryPolicy::OnTaskFinished    smfagent.dll    Task completed. Success:true. InProgress:false, Name:Detection check for Oracle Client 11g, instance:e03131ea-6895-4540-afa3-c9ed5726add4    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Inventory rule task completed, result = false    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Unable to find any installed component key in SMF cache.    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: ORACLE|ORACLE CLIENT 11G |11    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |SETUP.EXE|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |ORACLE9IINSTALL.VBS|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |ORACLE11INSTALL.VBS|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |INSTALL11G.BAT|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    InventoryRule_Task::Run    smfagent.dll    Requesting installed state of component key from SMF cache: |INSTALL.BAT|    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    Client Task Agent    Client Task Agent.dll    Task: Detection check for Oracle Client 11g  has started    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    CSMFAgentPolicyManager    smfagent.dll    Setting wakeup time to 145198000 ms (6/11/2014 8:00:00 PM) for policy: Rainmeter policy- all workstations    AeXNSAgent.exe
    Jun 10 03:40:02    CDeliveryPolicy::GetNextWakeup()    smfagent.dll    Policy Hardware based applications({FE031929-2657-48BC-A538-A4C7BF6B4342}) has no valid future scheduled run time (other than logon or startup schedules).    AeXNSAgent.exe


  • 2.  RE: Script to install Oracle Client 11g executes if ran manually but not if deployed via Altiris

    Posted Jun 10, 2014 01:28 PM

    I'd simplify the commands by using an alternate path for the package in the policy, something like c:\support\oracle11g

    And the Start /wait command is best expressed as Start "" /wait. Whatever is in the first set of double quotes is the name of the command window opened, any other double quotes might get misinterpreted if they're the first ones anywhere in the command.

    And maybe test the syntax of the batch file in your environment by echoing out the output of the set command after the FOR loop.

    Or just try and run the setup command directly from the Policy with the alternate package path. See if there's a log file parameter too.


  • 3.  RE: Script to install Oracle Client 11g executes if ran manually but not if deployed via Altiris

    Posted Jun 11, 2014 09:18 AM

    Thank you for your response andykn101.

    • the path is created by the installer which is using the response file that was created by the Oracle Client installer and it demands to have the home and database location within the same subfolder in the root. When it comes to Oracle, the modification of that path creates issues with the configuration that is standard for our envirionment.
    • The Start /Wait vs. Start "" /Wait issue, I'm confident that the batch file that was created by Symantec engineers wasn't tested. Since the script executes the command to install only, I don't see the need to have the script pause after the install (I believe they are worried that the Altiris will report it as failed if the script finishes the run before the application has been installed. However, since the application is not installed in the first place in my environment, this is less of an issue at the moment)
    • Since the scripts are executing fine if ran as administrator, I don't see any other way to perform the Syntax testing but it becomes a mute point since they both work if executed manually.
    • Thank you for those suggestions and I have tried to create a task as to avoid changing the scripts due to path changes which still does the same. It never executes the command

  • 4.  RE: Script to install Oracle Client 11g executes if ran manually but not if deployed via Altiris

    Posted Aug 19, 2014 02:38 PM

    Was there ever a resolution found?

  • 5.  RE: Script to install Oracle Client 11g executes if ran manually but not if deployed via Altiris

    Posted Aug 20, 2014 11:40 AM

    Yes. The issue was that the script given by Symantec is setup so, that you have to execute it from within the ....\cache folder and not it's sub-folders. So, basically, I had to recreate the package to avoid having a sub-folder.

    I did add the -NoConsole switch to run it silently but the NS sees the job as successful the moment that batch file starts, however. That creates some additional thinking in regards to software delivery management tasks and additional software deployments since those will start while the Oracle install is still running (if you have a .ora file that you are using in your environment that you need to copy, make sure you add delay in your script or have it run at the end of your policy if that's what you are using to accommodate for this problem). Adding /WAIT switch doesn't help.

    Here is the batch:

    -- --- Start of script-------

    FOR /f "tokens=1,2 delims===" %%G IN ('set AeX_{A4597EF2-B2F1-4954-A2FF-A65C393439AF}') DO set %%G=

    start /wait "" setup.exe -silent -nowelcome -NoConsole -nowait -noconfig  -responseFile "%~dp0Nameofyourresponsefile.rsp"


    -------End of Script---------