Symantec Management Platform (Notification Server)

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  • 1.  Site Mapping Details

    Posted Jun 21, 2016 11:25 AM

    Below query will give the detailed site mapping information


    SELECT DISTINCT vSite.[Name] [Site Name],s.Subnet, s.[Subnet Mask]
    ,     c.[Name] [Package Server Name]
    ,     c.[Domain]
    ,     c.[OS Name]
    ,     c.[IP Address]
    ,     t1.[Assignment Type]
    FROM vSite
    LEFT OUTER JOIN vSiteSubnetMap sm
         ON sm._ResourceGuid = vSite.[Guid]
    LEFT OUTER JOIN vSubnet s
         ON s.Guid = sm.SubnetGuid
         SELECT ra1.ParentResourceGuid [ComputerGuid]
         ,     ra1.ChildResourceGuid [SiteGuid]
         ,     NULL [IP Address]
         ,     'Manually Assigned' [Assignment Type]
         FROM ResourceAssociation ra1
         WHERE ra1.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '5E8E3C61-A80C-4b0a-A228-DBF97607CEE4' -- Manual Computer to Site Service association
         SELECT ra2.ChildResourceGuid [ComputerGuid]
         ,     NULL [SiteGuid]
         ,     tcpip.[Ip Address]
         ,     'Package Server in Site Subnet' [Assignment Type]
         FROM vRM_PackageService ps
         INNER JOIN ResourceAssociation ra2
              ON ps.[Guid] = ra2.ParentResourceGuid
              AND ra2.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid='5F00E96B-93F3-41f0-94A7-7DBBB8AEF841' -- Site Service To Computer
         INNER JOIN Inv_AeX_AC_TCPIP tcpip
              ON tcpip._ResourceGuid = ra2.ChildResourceGuid
         WHERE tcpip.[Subnet Mask] != ''
              AND tcpip.[IP Address] != ''
         ) t1
         ON t1.SiteGuid = vSite.[Guid]
         OR (dbo.fnIsIPInSubnet(t1.[IP Address], s.Subnet, s.[Subnet Mask]) = 1 -- If Package Server IP is in site's subnet then join
              AND t1.[IP Address] IS NOT NULL)
    INNER JOIN vComputer c
         ON c.[Guid] = t1.ComputerGuid
    WHERE c.IsLocal = 1
    ORDER BY vSite.[Name]