Symantec Management Platform (Notification Server)

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  • 1.  Task Execution by Computer

    Posted Aug 12, 2009 03:54 AM

    How difficult would it be to show in this report a column for IP Address and Relative Package Server of each computer.

    Attached  screen shot to make sense...

    imagebrowser image

  • 2.  RE: Task Execution by Computer

    Posted Aug 14, 2009 03:49 PM

    Cloning the report, and replacing the SQL with the code below will include IP address.
    The package server piece is a little bit trickier because (at least in our environment) machines aren't assigned to specific package servers so they could pull from a different one each time depending on which is closest and is ready first. Potentially you could maybe pull information on the URL that the machine pulled the package from, but that history is cleaned out pretty regularly (again, at least in our environment) so you wouldn't get a complete set of results.  That being said, here is the SQL to include IP address:

    SELECT  vComp.Guid AS _ResourceGuid, 
     vComp.[Name] [Computer Name], 
     vComp.[IP Address], 
     swb.Name as [Software Bulletin], 
     s1.[Name] AS [Software Delivery Task], 
      case eebc.Successful 
      when 1 
      then dbo.fnLocalizeString('executionstate.succeeded', '69e9c2c2-7a8d-4831-8a65-a3294b262712', '%_culture%') 
      else dbo.fnLocalizeString('executionstate.failed', '69e9c2c2-7a8d-4831-8a65-a3294b262712', '%_culture%') 
     ) Status, 
     e1.ReturnCode AS [Return Code], 
     datediff(ss,e1.Start,e1.[End]) as [Duration(Sec)], 
     e1.Start as [Start Time], 
     e1.[End] as [End Time], 
     e1.LoggedInUser as [User], 
     e1.CommandLine Command 
    from Evt_AeX_SWD_Execution e1 
      inner join vPMCore_SWDEventExecutionSuccessByComputer eebc 
       on e1._ResourceGuid = eebc._ResourceGuid 
       and e1.PackageId  = eebc.PackageId 
       and e1.AdvertisementId = eebc.AdvertisementId 
       and e1._eventTime  = eebc.EventTime 
     INNER JOIN ResourceAssociation swu_pkg 
      ON  swu_pkg.ChildResourceGuid = e1.PackageId 
       and swu_pkg.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'A19CED33-9E1F-4E97-98CF-0F8B339739C3' -- Software Update Created Software Package  
     INNER JOIN ResourceAssociation swb_swu 
      ON swb_swu.ChildResourceGuid = swu_pkg.ParentResourceGuid 
       and swb_swu.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458d-9AF2-55DB6B173293' -- Software Bulletin 2 Software Update 
        and upper(swb_swu.ParentResourceGuid) like upper(%_SWBGuid%) 
     INNER JOIN ResourceAssociation swb_vendor 
      ON swb_vendor.ParentResourceGuid = swb_swu.ParentResourceGuid 
       and swb_vendor.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '2FFEB9F0-601E-4746-A830-BDB200076503' -- Software Bulletin 2 Vendor 
       and upper(swb_vendor.ChildResourceGuid) like upper(%VendorGuid%) 
     INNER JOIN vComputer vComp 
      ON vComp.Guid = e1._ResourceGuid 
       and upper(vComp.Name) like upper(%Computer Name%) 
       and upper(vComp.Guid) like upper('%') 
     INNER JOIN SWDAdvertisement s1 
      ON s1.AdvertisementId = e1.AdvertisementId 
       and s1.[_Latest] = 1 
       and upper(s1.Name) like upper(%SWDTaskName%) 
       and s1.AdvertisementId like %_Software Delivery Task Id% 
     inner join Item swb 
      on swb_swu.ParentResourceGuid = swb.Guid 
    WHERE 1 = 1 
     and (%ExecutionStatus% = -1 or eebc.Successful = %ExecutionStatus%) 
     AND datediff(dd,e1.[Start],getdate()) <= %_From% 
     AND lower(e1.PackageId) like lower(%_Package Id%) 
     and ( select  count(ExecutionNumber) 
      from  Evt_AeX_SWD_Execution e2 
      where e2._ResourceGuid = e1._ResourceGuid 
       and e1.PackageId = e2.PackageId 
       and e1.CommandLine = e2.CommandLine ) >= %NumExecutions% 

  • 3.  RE: Task Execution by Computer

    Posted Sep 04, 2009 04:54 PM
    I have trouble with reports also.

    When I came across this report I was so happy. Problem is, I don't know exactly where yabru was in the UI.

    As for myself, I logged into the SEPM UI and went to the Reports Tab. In both the quick reports and the scheduled reports I do not see a way to get to cloning a report.

    I would like to create a report with the following info for columns:
    -last time checked in
    -last scan
    -product version
    -scan engine

    I feel these categories represent the most used info from the SCS or SAV MMC. I can not find a report that gets me this info.

  • 4.  RE: Task Execution by Computer

    Posted Sep 04, 2009 05:48 PM
    Soo I guess this is an Altiris report not a SEPM report