Submit false positive URLs for Email threat isolation
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Submit false positive URLs for Email threat isolation


Article ID: 173021


Updated On:


Email Email Threat Isolation Standalone Service


Learn how to submit a site that is being isolated when using the Email threat isolation service (false positive).




To submit a site for review:

  1. Navigate to Symantec Site-review and enter the URL you would like to have reviewed
  2. Select the Filtering Service – Other (please specify below)
  3. Select the appropriate category – detailed category descriptions can be found at
  4. If necessary, provide a short description of the site or the problem you are experiencing
  5. Tick Send results of the review via email box if you want to be notified about the review results

WebPulse Site Review can only be used to submit one URL at the time, Site Review does not currently support bulk submissions. If you are interested in a long-term solution to reduce the number uncategorized sites Blue Coat offers Priority Rating Service (PRS) subscription. PRS subscription can be used to send bulk submission through Priority Rating Service Portal/API (only accessible by PRS subscribers), the default product is 100 URLs/day for one year.